Be Mine? [49]

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Monday, February 14th.

When Luz was ready for school and about to step out, she nearly tripped over a bouquet of flowers. "Huh?"

Luz knelt down, picking them up, the flowers included mini pink orchids, tulips, daisies, lilies, sunflowers, and of course, red roses. Luz walked back inside, placing the flowers down, then walking back outside, closing the door and locking it.

She walked to the bus stop, only to be met with people offering more flowers along with chocolates. "Ah- I had breakfast- No thank you.."

The, once again, temporary bus driver pulled up, opening the doors, none of the students walking in. "Uh- Aren't you uh..Going in..?" Luz asked.

They stepped aside, Luz hesitantly getting up on the steps, going to her seat in the front row. The students filed in, getting behind her, gazing at the witch. The ride was akward, Luz still having to be the first one off. School was even weirder.

Everyone, and I mean this, everyone looked like Amity. Want to know what happened? Failed Illusion. Gus done goofed and created a failed Illusion when trying to mess around with Amity. Luz didn't interact with any of them, even if they said they were Luz's real Amity.

Luz ignored them all til she made it to her first class. "A-Amity?" Gus poked an Amity.

"Huh? No, not Amity." They waved him off.

Luz walked over to one, then booped her side. "Morning Amity." Luz smiled.

"Morning." Amity ruffled Luz's hair. "How'd you know it was me?"

"First of all, I can sense your magic, you smell like cherries all the time, you mismatched your socks today and it's very obvious. Also I love you and I know how to recognize my girlfriend easily."

Amity pulled Luz over a bit, the witch humming quietly. "Get my flowers?"

"The ones outside my house? Yes I did, why'd you leave me flowers?"

"It's Valentine's da-"

A yellow bubbled surrounded them, Luz looking around in a panic, "Where is he-"


"Oh-" Luz blurted out. "Right-"

The bubble popped, Amity patting Luz's head, "Valentine's day is where we give our loved one flowers or ask them to be our Valentine, where we proceed to go on a date." Amity said, partially explaining the holiday.

Luz paused. "Want to be my valentine Amity?"

"I would lo-"

Puffs of blue smoke surrounded the entire school, quickly disappearing, the students returning to their normal selves. They rushed over to Amity, the Blight becoming very confused, she didn't even finish her sentence! "Amity! Be my valentine!"

"Be mine!"

"I love you!"

"Please accept my love!"

"Stay with me!"

"Love me!"

Amity shushed them up, the students strongly believing Amity would pick them. "Luz, will you be my Valentine?" Amity asked.

"But I asked you first.."


"You're taking me out to dinner?"

Amity nodded. "We'll get whatever you want."

"Deal." Luz got on her tippy toes, giving Amity a small kiss. "Bells going to ring, I'll see you at P.E?"

Amity kissed Luz's forehead, "Mhm, I'll be there, promise."


"Sorry I'm late, people kept asking me to go out with them. Was hard trying to explain I'm dating Luz." Amity sighed, explaining the sitch to Rachel. "My Love!~" Amity moved past the teacher, hugging the witch. "Luz~"

Luz giggled, Amity nuzzling her cheek, "Hi Amity." Luz smiled.

"I feel so much better now that I can kiss you whenever I want~" Amity hummed, kissing Luz's cheek. "And no one can tell me to stop cause you're my girlfriend~~"


Amity wrapped her arms around Luz's waist, pulling the witch over, humming proudly. "I looooove you so much~"

"She's cursed!!"

Amity kissed Luz's forehead, "Where do you want to get dinner?"

"Anywhere is alright." Luz answered, caressing Amity's cheek. "You look tired, are you okay?"


Luz and Amity looked over at the student who shouted, others starting small rumors with one another. "It's Luz! She cursed Amity!"

The Blight rose a brow, looking down at her witch, "You cursed me?"

"I dunno? I've only made an oath that only lasted like two weeks?"

"Did you enchant me to love you?~"

"My weirdness did apparently."

Amity smiled, hugging Luz, the witch giggling. "Clingy human.."


Amity picked Luz up, going over to the wall, sliding down carefully, then let Luz get comfy. The witch purred in Amity's chest, the human carefully rubbing Luz's back. "When does Cam come home?"

"Camilla? She comes at.." Luz paused, trying to recall the times for Camilla's schedule. "Well she's on her lunch break for an hour, she's probably at home getting the lunch I made this morning, but she comes home around ten."

Amity squeezed Luz, "I looooooooove you so much~"

"What's with all the sudden I love you's to me?" Luz giggled, lifting her head up.

Amity kissed Luz's head, scratching the witches chin, "Cause I love my witch girlfriend so much~"

"Purr~" Luz relaxed, putting her hand over Amity's forearm. "Hm~"

All of this, was ruined in a matter of seconds. A male student wrapped his arms around Luz and pulled her back in an instant, Amity grabbing Luz's hand. "Hey!" Amity hissed.

Luz scratched his arm, trying to wiggle put of his grasp. "Let go! Let go let go!!"

He turned away from Amity, dropping Luz, making her scrape her palms and knees. Luz hissed quietly, shaking her left hand slightly as she got up, "Ouch ouch ouch-"

Amity grabbed the male by his shirt, pushing him against the concrete wall. "Apologize."

"We just saved you!"

"I said, apologize."

"For what!?"

Amity kicked up, making him cry out, the Blight dropping him. "Come on Luz, I'm sure the nurse has been anticipating your next visit."

Luz winced, blowing lightly on her right palm, "You're probably right.."

Amity carefully closed Luz's palm, kissing her knuckles. "Then again, I'm certain she's eating instead of checking students in."

Luz nodded, "She always is."

As well as me!

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now