Hickeys. [33 part 2]

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"Apologize." Amity hissed.

Honey growled, waving her paws frantically, "Never."

"Amity, off. Right now." Luz frowned.

The Blight huffed, releasing Honey's jaw, getting off and going over to Luz. "Call Amilotl. I want to get out of these muddy clothes.." Amity muttered.

Honey moved her jaw, growling at Amity before getting up and stomping towards a bush. "Wash off here.."

Amity followed while Luz quickly conjured Amilotl, the stuffie appearing with her bag. Luz went after the three, then stopped. "What are you doing-"

"Washing off.." Amity mumbled, tying up her hair.

Luz quickly turned, covering her cherry face, "I'll just wait-"

"Amilotl, clothes please."

Luz felt her bag rustle, then a few thuds ensued, the stuffie squeaking when it completed it's task. The water splashed, Luz trying to distract herself from the thoughts that Skara and Amity assisted to pollute. Luz yelped when a bunny popped out of the bush in front of her, going by the water, the bunny gazing at Luz before hopping away.

Then. Luz was splashed. "Wash off, the muds going to stain your clothing soon."

"I'll risk it-"

Amity grabbed Luz's wrist, pulling the witch in to the water. "It's hard to get out of clothing, wash off."

Luz wouldn't dare turn right now. The witch hesitantly removed her shirt, rinsing herself off, fixing her hair and removing the mud. Amity got out of the water, Luz freezing in her place, now knowing she'd die from fish. Oh Chrys? Why do you say that?

Haha, well. "Luz you have nosebleed, is the water too hot?"

"Yep- Definitely-" Luz covered her nose. "Even though it's winter- The water is super hot-"

Amity placed her shirt back down, going over to Luz, the stream of blood only growing. "Lean forward so you don't choke on your blood, come on." Amity helped Luz out of the water. "Amilotl, napkin."

The stuffie struggled in to Luz's bag, coming out with a packet of tissues. Amity took one, offering it to Luz, the witch nervously pressing it up against her nose. Amity dried off again, putting her new shirt on, sitting down in the grass. Honey came over, "You know she didn't get a nosebleed because of the water, right?"

Amity nodded, "I just like teasing her."

"You've dirtied her innocent mind."

"It's not like she won't learn it eventually."

Honey huffed. "Don't try anything funny human. Tell the witch what I told you, Lucky and I are going home. Cousins coming over, you know how it is."

Amity pat Honey's side, the bear calling out to Lucky, the cub rushing out of the water and clinging on to his mother's leg. Honey stumbled through the bush, making her way home.

In a few minutes, Luz's nosebleed stopped, the witch changed, fixed her hair, and was calm. Luz kneeled down in front of Amity, then fell in to her grasp, the Blight pulling the Clawthorne up a bit. "Better?"

Luz moved her head up to Amity's neck, nodding. "Mhm."

Amity felt her hair being lightly tugged, Luz playing with it. At least, that's what Amity assumed. When Luz poked a spot on Amity's neck, the witch adjusted on how she was sitting in Amity's lap. "What are you up to now Claw-" Amity flinched. "thorne.."

Luz felt the human tremble, carefully pushing Amity down. "Did Noah give you any.." Luz muttered.


Wow. Luz really seems like a top now- Hah- Who's writing this?? Edit here- Yeah. Mhm. There too we can't have Luz say the F word yet this episode- Dilly-o. That seems good, keep going. Wait- We can't let the readers loose their innocence! Skip this part- Yes. Okay that looks good!


S. I. X. Six! Amity enjoyed each and every one, Luz being the first person to give her a hickey. Amity never believed she would ever have more inapropriate thoughts with a girl then with a boy! Maybe because she'll know what to- AH NO. BAD THOUGHTS FOR MINORS.

Luz was very respectful and asked Amity if she wanted more after she finished one. So she's still consent kid! Not to worry :D Luz only allowed Amity a maximum of six though, since Luz wanted to go home. Amity was dragged back to the Noceda house since she was still processing what happened to her.

Amity was beet red the entire time, even when Luz pushed her in to the mud, Amity was still hella gay. Luz turned on the hose, pulling Amity on the concrete, changing the setting on the hose. "..." Amity carefully removed her shirt, adjusting her sports bra.

"It's going to be a bit cold, okay?"

"..." Amity nodded slowly.

Luz sprayed the water, Amity shivering, her cheeks still warm. Luz got the shampoo she brought out, pouring some in to her hand, then massaged Amity's hair. "You doing alright Amity?"


Luz picked the hose back up, "Close your eyes."

Amity did so, Luz rinsing off the shampoo, adding conditioner, releasing the hose. Luz brushed the conditioner through Amity's hair, the human relaxing slightly, then tensing up as she recalled how the hickeys began. Luz rinsed off the excess conditioner and her hands, getting the body soap.

She warmed it up in her palms, then rubbed Amity's back. That made her shiver again. Luz carefully rubbed Amity's neck, the human rambling nonsense. "You alright?"


Luz handed the soap to Amity, the human hesitantly taking it and washing herself off. Luz rinsed the human off, brushing Amity's hair again before taking her inside to change. The witch let the human do that part herself and alone obviously, then Luz made a quick lunch.

Both ate, Prince and Nero deciding to go hang out with Gator instead, so it was just Luz, Amity, Amilotl, Bungii, and Amire in the house. "Honey wants me to do what?"

"........." Amity mumbled.

"Speak up please.."

Amity whined, "Honey wants you to go camp out in the forest.."

"How come?"


"Amity.." Luz pried.

"There's a wolf around her cave..She doesn't want it to try anything funny and wants your help..!"

Luz nodded, "Okay. I'll get my stuff ready." Luz got out of bed.



"Don't leave.."

Luz paused. The witchling got back in to bed, lying by Amity, the human lying down next. Luz moved closer to Amity, wrapping one arm around the humans neck, Amity pulling the witch closer. Amity squeezed Luz, sighing quietly in relief. "....."

To be awoken.

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now