"Down..Hey..Down.." Luz lowered the fish.
The bear lowered herself, Luz holding out the fish, "Gentle.."
It was a brown bear, a grizzly bear, her fur was nice and soft. She slowly took the fish, getting up and sitting on her butt, ripping apart the fish. She munched loudly, then smacked her lips when she finished it's head last. "Gruuuhhhfff." She huffed.
Luz held her palms out, the bear hesitantly resting her head on them. Luz hummed, scratching her chin, "Is that better..?"
She huffed, laying down, making a loud muffled thud. "Grrrrgghhh.."
Camilla slowly walked to the side of the bear, taking out a stethoscope, putting it on. "To the side please.."
Luz cupped the bears face, falling to the side with her. The bear huffed, growling quietly as the warm winter sun hit her side. Camilla slowly pressed the stethoscope against the bears stomach, slowly moving it around. "..Just one, it sounds healthy." Camilla hummed. "I give it about two weeks before it's ready."
The bear growled happily, Luz letting her get back up, "Why is there a grizzly bear here though? They aren't even native."
"Because the writer didn't do their research and made Bear a grizzly." Camilla sighed sharply. "I'm going to call you Pooh."
The bear snarled, stomping back in to the forest. "She doesn't have a name, but I'm certain she won't like that."
Luz picked Amilotl up, "Come on.."
Camilla took Luz's hand, both being transported back in to the hotel, Luz being the lucky one. Amilotl took Luz to Amity, Camilla was taken to the bathroom. "Nap please.." Luz said quietly.
Amity lied back, the bathroom door clicking open. Luz cowered in Amity's chest, the human rubbing her back, "It's just the bathroom door, it's okay."
Luz purred quietly, Amity pulling the blanket over. Amity layed Luz on her side, adjusting the blanket, then kissed Luz's head. "Nap time starts now." The Blight stated.
The witch smiled, Amity snuggling up to Luz, "My hero." Luz teased. "Night.."
"Night Luz. I'll be right here if you need anything." Amity hummed, very well about to doze off.
----------------The next morning--------------
"Luz. What, did you do." Camilla hissed.
"Huh? What did I do-"
Camilla deeply inhaled, "First, at the hotel. Then, here!?"
Luz felt her neck, freezing. "Oh- Amity gave them to me?- I-I DIDN'T ASK THIS TIME-"
I know right? Damnit, cover up the hickeys let's do another take. Action! "Morning Mija." Camilla kissed Luz's head. "We're going to this church about two hours away, it's a very bumpy ride up the hill so bring a nausea pill."
Luz nodded, "I actually rather take Bruce, he wanted to do a run with Mattias to test who has better stamina."
"I know they'll give up ten minutes in, bring a pill just in case." Camilla insisted. "Be ready in three."
Luz saluted, grabbing her shoes from under the bed, slipping them on and tying them. Luz got up, grabbing her bag and exiting the room. Prince greeted her first, "Hi! Morning! Hello!"
"Morning Prince~" Luz cooed. "Sleep well?"
He sat down, scratching his ear, "It was nice! Except when we were nearly shot. What was the question?"
Luz scratched his head, walking past him, "Ready to race?"
"Oh! Yes yes yes yes!"
Prince rushed past her, slipping down the stairs, only to land on his feet. Luz went down carefully, being met by Bruce who had his fur trimmed. "Nice furcut Bruce." Luz ruffled his mane.
Bruce chuffed, "Ready Prince?"
The dog yipped, "Come on let's go! We have so much road ahead of us!"
Bruce was all tuckered out, Luz had added more weight, he only had two more miles left to go. Bruce gave up in the end and jumped in to the back of the pick-up truck Sarah insisted on renting. Luz still wanted to be in the open wind, so Amity had guided Prince to pull up next to the truck (while it was still going), and let Luz get on.
It was managed, so now Amity was behind Luz, the witch guiding Prince while he ran. In about two hours, they made it to the church, which had many stands around it. Prince was an active dog, hyper, he wanted to go running again since his heart was racing, but Mattias convinced him to come explore instead. "Awh~ Oooh~" Luz cooed.
"Get something." Amity suggested.
"That's a good idea, their hard work would have really payed off." Luz pointed to three bracelets, all three having hearts.
The vendor nodded, getting them out for Luz while she got the pesos needed and paid. Luz carefully took the bracelets, thanking the vendor and going over to Bruce. "What are you up to now?" Amity teased.
Bruce sat down, holding his paw out, Luz adjusting the bracelet on his paw, then kissed his snout. "There you go."
He purred, "Thank you, I'll treasure this."
"Prince, come here."
The dog rushed over, Luz holding her palm out, Prince placing his paw over it. Luz carefully put the bracelet on him, Prince's tail beginning to wag furiously. "So pretty! Is it mine? Can I keep it?" He barked.
Luz nodded, "It's yours."
Prince and Luz looked over at Amity, the Blight being nuzzled by a crow. "I miss! Miss miss miss!" He chirruped, preening Amity's hair.
"Bird! Bird bird bird!" Prince yipped, rushing over. "Hi bird!"
"Craw! Dog! Dog dog dog!" Pierre bobbed his head up and down, flying on Prince's head. "Dog! Dog! Dog!"
Prince sat, lifting his head up slightly, Pierre booping his snout with his beak. "Morning Bird. How'd you get here?"
Pierre croaked, "I flew here! Speaking in the human language is hard, have you tried yet?" Pierre cooed.
"I don't have the vocals for it. My body isn't that advanced bird!"
"Talk. Craw- Tallkk." Pierre shivered. "Gramity!" His tail wagged. "Gramity Gramity!"
Luz picked him up, "How'd you get here Pierre? We're many miles away from Connecticut."
He chirruped, "Fly! Vrrrrooom!" He croaked. "Gramity!"
"You came for me?" Amity awhed.
"Gramity!" Pierre's tail wagged.
The Blight picked him up, Pierre spreading his wings, hugging Amity. He chirruped, biting her shirt, pulling himself up to her shoulder. "I love you too Pierre~"
"Love! Craw! Gramity love Luz!"
Amity nodded, "I do love Luz, smart birdy~"
Pierre croaked, Amity kissing Luz's forehead, walking past. "What should we get for lunch Pierre?"
To be crowtinued.

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5
FanficMaxed out on parts in first one, welcome, to the 1.5 book, of Weirdos Stick Together. Glad to have you back readers, but let's get right in to the description. EPISODES 1-80 WRITTEN BEFORE SEASON 2B Luz Clawthorne, a witchling, banished from her wo...