Training. [61]

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Three days later, March 5th, Saturday

"Hit me!" Luz exclaimed.

"No way!" Hunter shouted back. "It's going to hurt!"

Luz shook her head, "We're training for a reason! Camilla's supervising us too!"

The human rose her coffee cup, then took a sip, "Luz taught me magic, I can summon abominations, produce enough magic to cause a forest fire, and found out how to make snow."

Hunter sighed, flicking his wrist, his staff in his right hand. "Alright.."

He gripped it, then disappeared, Luz's ears perking up. She turned, slashing at him with Rascal. Hunter jumped back, spinning his staff and slamming it down, rocks shooting out of the ground, heading towards Luz. "Ah-" Luz jumped aside, sliding on the grass.

Hunter used the rocks as platforms to get him the higher ground, spinning his staff and pointing at Luz. Out came balls of light that fired at Luz. The witch spun her staff, creating a bubble around herself, being pushed back by the force of the light beams. Luz hissed quietly, pushing herself up to do a backflip, then slashed at Hunter.

A streak of purple flew towards him, Hunter disappearing again, Luz turning and moving her hand up, an abomination rising from the grass, capturing Hunter. "What the-" He snarled, then teleported away.

Luz stood in front of the abomination, looking around. She clenched her fist and swung, the abomination following her movement and slashing at Hunter. He was thrown to the trees, landing on the leaves, falling down the branches then to the floor.

Camilla snorted, a bit of her coffee spilling in to her lap. "I think I broke something--" Hunter breathed out.

Luz snapped, her abomination then walking towards Hunter, picking him up, groaning quietly. "You're not trying to kill him are you Luz?" The human asked.

"Of course not! Because that would be wrong!" Luz smiled sweetly.

*White Diamond flashbacks-

Hunter was stood up, the goopy beast returning to Luz. "Gah..Uhh..Nnhh.." It groaned.

Luz took it's hand, walking with it towards Hunter, then she air slapped him, the abomination whacking him again. The witch fell back, letting out silent cries, "Break-- I think it's time for a break--"


"And he's out of the park!" Luz cheered, raising her arms.

The abomination raised it's arms as well, it's bat arm returning to a regular hand, the beast groaning softly. "Huuahh.."

Luz stopped abruptly, looking back up, "Uh-Oh-"

Hunter fired the beams at Luz, the abomination creating a bubble, "Noo tuuuughh..."

*No touch

Luz spun her staff, moved her left leg back, then jumped forward, the bubble popping. Luz slashed at the witch, Hunter teleporting away. Luz moved the staff under her, Rascal spreading his wings, Luz standing on the staff before clapping once. More abomination goop.

The witchling turned, then jumped up, Hunter zooming on by under her before quickly turning. Luz drew her encased hand across Hunter's cheek before she let out a gasp. She fell off the staff, the abomination catching her and making a bubble. Luz hissed, covering her side, "Hey! I'm still in a corset you know!!"

"A little blood loss never hurt anyone Luz!" Hunter laughed.

"Fine. My turn." Luz hissed. "Throw me."

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now