Human Luz, Eda, and King spent an hour searching the isles, only to find witch Luz at The Owl House, curled up by Hooty on Eda's nest. "Hoot, so you're my sisterrrrr?~~""Yeah.." Luz mumbled. "Kiss please.."
Hooty pecked her cheek, Luz purring quietly, "So cuteeee~"
Luz sat up, looking over at the door, "Hey momma.." Luz shook her head. "Other Eda..Sorry.."
The witch entered, the other Luz and King slowly following. "You alright?" Eda asked.
"Uhm..No not really..Camilla's probably worried..And Boscha- Oh no she must be freaking out-" Luz held her head in her right hand. "I'm going to get in so much trouble-"
Eda shushed her, "Kid kid, hey, it's okay-"
Luz covered her ears, Hooty hissing in the humans face. "She's sensitive! Do not raise your voice at her!" He huffed, turning back to Luz, nuzzling her cheek.
She grabbed on to him, Hooty picking her up and laying her back down. "It's kinda weird seeing someone so..Okay with Hooty.." Eda mumbled.
"It's hurting my eyes-" King blurted out.
"Wow other me is strong to handle him-"
Luz purred quietly, "Is grandma.." Luz yawned. "Coming..?"
"Gwendolyn? Psh- Never. Are you my sisters daughter or something? You're a Clawthorne!"
Luz shook her head, "I'm your adopted daughter.."
"WHAT!?" Other Luz, King, and Eda exclaimed.
"Don't shout please! Hooty just told you!" Luz covered her ears, hissing quietly.
Hooty picked up King, placing him down over the witchling, Luz hugging him tightly. "What is this- It's weirdly comforting and I hate it-" He fumbled, then relaxed when Luz began purring. "I like her, she can stay.."
Eda and other Luz were both panicki- ng in front of eachother, was this really happening in a different universe? "Luz when did I adopt you." Eda snapped.
"When I was four..About..Ten years ago maybe?"
Eda counted that up in her head, "Do you know I'm cursed?"
Luz nodded, "That's why we built you a playpen in the back..Has a bubble over it so you can't escape.."
"Are you and Amity dating?-" Other Luz blurted out.
The witchling froze, her face quickly heating up. "W-Well no-"
King looked up at her, smugly grinning, "She's in love~"
Luz pushed King away, sitting up, "Am not!"
"You're blushing~~" Hooty cooed.
The witchling covered her face. "Not!"
"Definitely are." Eda lightly scoffed. "Is she nice to you?"
Luz groaned, "This is embarrassing- I regret talking- Ignore what I said-"
"Luz has a crush~~" Eda cooed.
"No I don't!"
"Yes you do~ You like Amity~"
"This Amity is yours?" Other Luz asked, showing her phone to the group. "The girl you described earlier is in my class, her name's Clara."
*Amanda, Avery, human Amity, doesn't matter

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5
FanfictionMaxed out on parts in first one, welcome, to the 1.5 book, of Weirdos Stick Together. Glad to have you back readers, but let's get right in to the description. EPISODES 1-80 WRITTEN BEFORE SEASON 2B Luz Clawthorne, a witchling, banished from her wo...