Little Rascal. [43]

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February seventh. School was boring. Yay. When Luz got home, she went outside to water the roses for Camilla while she was at school. "Screek!"

Luz flinched, switching off the hose, crouching down, "Oh no! I'm sorry!"

The red bird hopped out, shaking himself off. Luz picked it up carefully, "I won't hurt you, let's dry you off, okay?"

It sat in her palm, Luz going inside, Nero having heard her, quickly returning with a small towel. Luz kissed his head, "Good familiar~"

Nero purred proudly, Luz picking up the towel, wiping off the bird. When it was dry, Luz took it back outside. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, go on."

It stayed on her hand, then scratched itself over its scar. It chirped. "You hungry?"

He flapped his wings, smiling up at Luz. "I'll get you something, wait here okay?"

It chirped, hopping off her hand, Luz getting up and going inside. She ransacked the kitchen for something she could feed the bird, but settled with makeshift pawsome tacos that were healthy. She put the plate down in front of him, patting his head, and going inside.

She closed the door, going upstairs. The bird flew up, going to the fence, chirping. "You rascal-" The blonde hissed, scrambling over the fence. "Flapjack, I told you to stay close!"

"Peerepeep!" It chirped.

The blonde gasped, "Real food-"

He yelped, falling over the fence, scrambling to the bushes. Prince came out, looking around before heading back inside, closing the door. "Peep!"

The blonde..Human? No. He's not human. Definitely not human. "I can't believe I got stuck on this planet..Now I have to hide like a peasant!" He hissed quietly, his ears slanting.

He got out of the bush, going over to the plate of pawsome tacos, picking up the taco. He took a bite, humming quietly, "Fresh.."

"Keekerikee!" The bird chirped loudly.


He ate quickly, hopping back over the fence, rushing back in to the woods.

About an hour later, he somehow made it to a school. For adults. He was curious, so he walked around for a bit. Til he was caught. "Hey kid! What are you doing here!?"

"Ah- Parent-?" He nervously laughed.

The man walked over. "Cosplayer." He huffed. "Who are you looking for?"

"Uhm-" He shook his hand slowly. "A vet-?" 'What kind of school is this!?'

The man paused. "We have a few of those mom's yeah..Come on."

The boy relaxed, following the security guard. After a few minutes of walking, they walked in to a class, the teacher hushing up to hear the issue. "Yes?"

"Kid's looking for his mom."

The teacher ohed. "Who's kid is this?"

The students looked up, one of which, panicked instantly. "Oh no." Camilla whispered quietly. "Ah- Uhm- He's mine! Kid- Yep-" Camilla got up, going down the stairs and towards the trio, pushing the boy outside. "I'll talk to him-"

Camilla guided the boy away from the class, "Don't touch me-" The boy hissed.

"What's a witch doing here!?"

He drew back. "How.."

"I took care of three witches, I know how to recognize them- Who are you? How'd you get here? Why are you here?" Camilla pried.

"I'm Hunter. There was a fight and this moron pushed me through the portal before it was destroyed. I'm surviving, human." He hissed.

Camilla sighed. "I'm Camilla, but you can't be here right now okay? You can stay with me for the time being til you can leave, it's obvious you're hurt. The humans here, are rude, selfless, and inconsiderate. You wait with me for the next four hours, and I'll take you home with me so we can fix you right up okay?"

Hunter paused. "For tonight and tonight only."

Camilla nodded. "I promise."


"Don't touch that." Camilla hit Hunter's hand away from the SOS button.

He hissed quietly. "Don't tell me what to do."

"The police will come and we don't want that."

Hunter crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair. "It's cold."

Camilla pressed a button, Hunter shivering, then relaxing. "Heating chair. Better?"

Hunter glanced over at Camilla, "Why are you helping me?"

"One of the witches I care for has the same issues. It's bad enough that she was left here and replaced, it's another that she doesn't have any more magic."

Hunter glanced down, "I don't either.."


A bird came out of Hunter's shirt, chirping. "Flapjack, Camilla, Camilla, Flapjack." He introduced.

Camilla turned right, going down the street, "Nice to meet you Flapjack, aren't you such a cute birdy~?"

He chirped, flapping his wings. Camilla pulled up in the first house with the lights on, switching off the car. "Come on."

Hunter unbuckled himself, Camilla doing the same, both getting out of the car. Camilla locked the car, leading the way to the house. She unlocked and opened the door, "I'm home!"

"Camilla!" Luz looked over from the counter, flipping the egg.

She gasped, the egg falling on the floor. Hunter snarled, "You!"

Luz threw her frying pan at him, "Not you! Never you!" Luz hissed.

Hunter fell back with a loud thud, Luz rushing over, picking him up. "That hurt!" Hunter rubbed his nose.

"What are you doing here!?" Luz barked.

"Wait wait wait!" Hunter covered his face. "Truce truce! Please-"

Luz snarled, throwing him down inside. "Luz, calmate." Camilla put her hand on the witches shoulder. "He's hurt right now, he's distressed."

"You don't know what he's done mama. When I get the chance..He'll be a goner." Luz hissed, picking up her pan, walking inside.

Camilla helped Hunter up, "See? She's already warming up to you. I'll set up your room and get you extra clothes."

Hunter nodded slowly, closing the door, walking inside slowly. Prince already ate the fallen egg, Luz cracking another in to the pan. She glared back at Hunter, "I'm not kidding, Hunter. Behave, or I won't hesitate to rip out your skull." Luz hissed.

"Right- Mhm- G-Got it."

Chirp tweet tweet!

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now