[67 part 2]

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Amity's phone rang, the human looking over at it, pausing her movie. She crawled to her bedside table, unplugging her phone and looking at the caller. "Hunter? When'd I save his number?" Amity answered the call, pressing the phone against her ear. "What?"

"Before I explain- It wasn't me- I had nothing to do with this--" A wail took Amity's attention, the human recognizing that cry. "S--t- Please stop crying-"


Amity snarled quietly, "Hunter.." Amity gripped her phone, getting out of bed. "What did you to do my girlfriend.."


Amity hissed, "BUNGII BUNNY GET YOUR SORRY @$$ OVER HERE!!" Amity yelled.

The house and everything on the property fell silent, the little bunny appearing on Amity's bed. He slowly looked up at the human, trembling, his ears falling back. "(• ▽ •;)"

Amity picked up the bunny by his collar, Bungii trying to push himself away from her, finally giving up and going limp. "Put my girlfriend on the line." Amity uttered. "Then I'll figure out what to do with you Hunter."

Hunter whimpered, the line shuffling as the phone was moved. "Sniffle- Hello..?"

"Hola Cariño!~" Amity hummed.

Luz gasped, "Amity! Hi Amity!!" A few taps could be heard, the Blight knowing Luz was tapping the floor as she was happy to hear her lovely gf. "Hi Amity~"

"Hi Baby, can you tell me what happened? Please?" Amity placed Bungii on a shelf, humming.

Luz paused, then began crying again, "Bungii popped- My ballooooon--" Luz wailed. "Bungii popped Andrew-- A-And Andrew is dead-- Hicc-"

"Bungii, did you pop Luz's balloon?" Amity asked sweetly, scratching his chin.

He froze, then lowered his head in between his paws, "( ̄ヘ ̄;)"

"Do you want me to get you a new Andrew, Luz?" Amity asked, picking the bunny back up, placing him on the floor. "Go care for the chickens, I'll get Luz."

Bungii saluted, scampering to the door, opening it with his tiny paws, rushing down the halls. "Hicc-- But Hunter bought Andrew.."

"I'll buy him again for you Hun," Amity grabbed her bag, patting her thigh, Ghost coming out of her cat tree and in to Amity's purse. "Hand the phone back to Hunter yeah?"

Luz whimpered, sniffling again, "Okay.. Here Hunter..Amity wants to talk to you.."

The phone shook, being moved about, Hunter sighing quietly in to it, "Yes..?"


"Ah- I'll text you the directions--"


"I told you I can't!" Hunter exclaimed.

"Give me my girlfriend back!!" Amity hissed.

"Beast! I've told you! I can't! Luz won't let go!" Hunter held his arms out, waving them. "See!?"

Amity kicked dead center, Hunter crying out, crossing his legs, "Ouch--"

"My girlfriend."

Luz leaned her head back, looking at the upside down Amity, sniffling. "Get off Witchlet-" Hunter strained.

The witchling held one arm out to Amity, the Blight kissing her palm, making Luz giggle and pull her hand back. She kissed her own palm, holding it out to Amity again. The human pressed her cheek against it, booping Luz's nose. The witch outstretched both arms, leaning back, her palms touching the floor, Hunter moving back to get Luz off quicker.

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now