Thursday, March 16th."Took out the trash," Vee checked the box. "Fed the bear and big dog outside like Luz said.." Vee checked another box. "And did my bed."
Prince's tail wagged, the mutt grinning up at Vee, "Now to collect the reward!" Prince yipped.
Vee nodded, going upstairs with Prince, both going to Camilla's room. "Ms.Noceda?" Vee knocked.
Silence. "Open it." Prince barked.
Vee hesitantly opened the door, peeking in, no one was there. "She's out." Nero mewed, his tail grazing Vee's calf. "School."
"School?" Vee looked down at him.
Nero nodded once. "Hunter, Luz, and Camilla have school. Prince, we have to go too."
Prince tilted his head to the side, "Where?"
Nero slouched, "You forgot."
"I forgets." Prince pouted.
Nero rolled his eyes, looking up at Vee, "Come on, we have to go to Amity's house."
"The babies?"
"Oh the chickens-"
Nero hissed, going to the staircase, "I swear I live with idiots. Let's go! Get your shoes and the keys!"
"And you are..?" The guard rose a brow.
"Auhm-" Vee hesitated. "I'm Vee-"
The guard paused, clicking his walkie. "I have a Vee down here, know anything? Over."
Vee's ears drooped down, the basilisk backing up a bit. "It's okay, Luz must've told them about you." Prince nuzzled her knee. "Relax."
The walkie was muffled as the guard covered it to hear, uttering a few words before nodding to Vee. "Are you a Noceda?"
"Technically yes-- I live with Camilla, Hunter, and Luz right now..They took me in after everything.." Vee rubbed her arm. "Nero says I have to care for the chickens while Luz is at school.."
The guard nodded, "Can you wait a few minutes? Ay is coming and the gate takes forever to open."
Vee's tail came out, the basilisk nodding slowly and sitting by the curb, her tail acting as a cushion. Prince ran around the street, being careful when cars passed, but messed around to get distracted and not focus on the fact his partner was coming. Nero cleansed himself, occasionally telling Vee to relax, but eventually, the limo pulled up.
Prince rushed to the door, waiting patiently for it to open, and when it did, he jumped in then out. Mattias licked his cheek, nuzzling him, "Hey my Prince, how are we doing today?" Mattias barked softly.
"We're doing great~" Prince howled quietly. "How's my charming Newfie?"
Mattias gently nudged him towards the gate, "Amazing, the drive however, was terrible."
"Oh no how come?" Prince sat, scratching his ear.
Mattias looked back, "She wanted to tag along."
Jasmine pounced on Prince, bapping his head, yowling and jumping around. She spotted Vee, "Not Luz--" She hissed, backing up. "How dare you take the form of the bisexual witch!"
Vee drew back, "I'm Vee actually-- A-And kind of scared?-"
Jasmine sniffed her out, biting Vee's tail, the basilisk hissing, her tail grabbing the Amur leopard and holding her up. "Hey! Hey." Nero hissed. "Vee, Vee calm down. Drop the leopard, relax. Prince and I are here, just, relax.."

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5
FanfictionMaxed out on parts in first one, welcome, to the 1.5 book, of Weirdos Stick Together. Glad to have you back readers, but let's get right in to the description. EPISODES 1-80 WRITTEN BEFORE SEASON 2B Luz Clawthorne, a witchling, banished from her wo...