Swap Meet? [31 part 2]

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"Delicious." Bruce purred, gulping down the sope.

"Heavenly." Mattias barked, chewing loudly.

"Fulfilling." Luz hummed. "I've had my fill, I'm going out to see what I can make for dinner."

"But you just finished lunch-" Joey blurted out.

Luz nodded, "I know I have, but I want to see if I can make a stew."

"Like pozole?" Camilla chimed in.

The witch shrugged, "Maybe."

"I wish to come." Bruce got up, licking his lips and drinking some water from his bowl.

Mattias licked up the sauce and drank some of his water as well, "Me too."

"Me too!" Prince yipped. "I want to see cows!"

Zach came over, "I want to go!"

"It's going to be boring Zach." Luz said softly. "I'm going to be searching alot of stores."

He nodded, "That's okay! I want to go!"

Luz hummed, "Sarah? That okay?" Luz asked.

Sarah nodded, "Mhm. I actually need to see if something I want is there so can I tag along?"

Luz looked at her group, "Uh..Yeah I think that's okay."

"Wait Sarah's going?" Elizabeth perked up. "Can I go?"


"Yeah!" Zach exclaimed.

"Prince can't carry three people-" Luz cut in, only to be interrupted as well.

"I'm going!" Constance shouted.

Luz got on Bruce's back, "Let's go-"

Mattias nudged Prince, running out of the dining hall while the others argued of who would stay or go. The answer was obvious though. Bungii hopped on the table, nuzzling Amity's hand, "Little bunny, will you take me to my noble steed?"

Bungii squeaked, his cotton ball tail wagging furiously.

Bruce hopped over the fence, Mattias and Prince managing to do it as well. Prince switched, galloping up ahead, Mattias hopping on his back. "What are you?" Mattias barked.

"I'm a Clydesdale horse!" Prince huffed. "Camilla let me pick it."

Bruce nipped Prince's hoof, "Look up you idiot!"

Prince scrambled to a halt, Bruce skidding slightly, the group looking up slightly. Amity stood on Prince's back, Bungii falling in to her arms, "That was awesome-" Luz blurted out.

"Thanks to Bungii~" Amity cooed.

The stuffie waved his paw as his ears drooped down, "(*'ω`*)"

Amity placed him on Princes head after sitting, Mattias placing his front paws on Amity's shoulders. "Right, let's get going."

Luz pat Bruce's side, the tiger letting out a short roar before continuing his run. Prince whinnied, galloping after him. "o((*^▽^*))o" Bungii squeaked, this was so much fun!


Amity had to stop by a store to get Prince some reins since it was now apparent Prince didn't have a clue on where to go when he was in front. He would stop mid-way if he crossed the street first, then keep going when Bruce passed. "Bite." Amity voiced.

Prince carefully bit down, adjusting it with his tounge before nodding. Amity got back on, moving the reins over his head, "Gracias." The vendor tipped her hat.

Luz hopped back on Bruce's back, then pat his side, "Next street."

He nuzzled the vendor's knee, then trot up the street. Prince mimicked Bruce's steps, making it to the store at the same time as him. "Wow.." Amity awhed quietly.

The store was so pretty, it had so many smaller stations inside, it was colorful- This, was called a Swap Meet. Or what others call a Flea Market. "Come on Bruce, food is always in the back."

He chuffed, leading the way inside, Prince following close behind. The humans didn't bat an eye at the tiger or horse in the swap meet, just at the cheap or ridiculous things vendors had to offer. As they went deeper in to the mall like store, things got alot nicer looking. More clean, rather, untouched.

Which means these people are a bunch of scammers. "Bien! Come! See stuff!" The vendor exclaimed with a very heavy accent.

Luz ignored him, these types of beings were on the isles as well. Last time Luz talked to one, she was robbed and pushed. She got revenge and got the vendor arrested. Bruce sniffed the air, turning left, following the smell. "It smells good.." He purred.

"It's fresh." Mattias barked.

Amity gently tugged at Prince's reins, the horse trotting up ahead, following the smell. Then, he stopped. "The pot was covered." He huffed.

Bruce huffed, "It's that stand."

He walked over, Luz getting off his back, examining the small stand. It had curved plastic containers with drinks, a part with fresh meats that have lifty things that cover the meat when not being picked, a stove, lots of food items. Luz ooed, Amity patting Prince's side, "We'll go look around, meet back here?"

Luz nodded, Prince trotting away with Amity and Mattias. Bruce sniffed the air, "Buenas tardes." The woman greeted.

Bruce meowed, propping up on the counter, "Your food smells nice, what is it?"

"Hola gatito." The woman cooed, scratching Bruce's chin.

He purred, "Food please."

"¿Que tienes?" Luz asked.

The woman hummed, "Tamales, pozole, carne, salchichas, pollo." She shrugged. "Sopes pero huele a eso." She nodded to Bruce.

Luz nodded, "Sopas?"

The woman held one finger up, going around a corner, returning with three small bowls. "Ten."

Luz picked the first one up, letting Bruce smell it before he tested it first. Bruce nudged the next one, Luz picking it up and letting him test it. Next one. Bruce nudged the middle one, "Meat is fresh. Broth is rich and flavorful. Also the healthiest."

"Caldo de Pollo." The woman spoke.

Bruce nudged the first one, "Amity will love this."

"Then she'll love me too." Luz teased. "Esta que es?"

"Caldo de queso."

Luz nodded, "Yeah Amity will love me."

Where'd all this milk come from?
To be curdled soon!

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now