Really Willow? [40 part 3]

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"Thank you." Amity quickly said, walking in the class. "Mr.Ritler?"

The teacher looked back, closing his marker, "Hm?"

"Luz kinda fell asleep during break, is it okay if I stay here til she wakes up?" Amity asked. "She won't let go."

Mr.Ritler hummed, "Ten minutes. I'll write you a late pass, but you better be gone in ten minutes."

Amity nodded, sitting in the back with Luz, the witch happily dreaming about carob shakes.


Luz slept through part of fourth, then stayed awake the rest of the day. "I just wish I still had dance." Luz sighed. "Like this Mrs.Willis?"

The woman looked over. "Yes that's it, just like that." Mrs.Willis weaved the wool through her hands. "Would you still want to be in the same room as someone who fears and hates you?"

Luz sighed. "I guess not.."

'Knock Knock' "Who's there?" Lucy called out.

"Favorite delivery boy!"

"Come in Agustus!"

The door opened, Gus slipping in, waving at Luz. "Mrs.Pedretti said you wanted these?"

"I did! How'd she know?" Mrs.Willis asked in an amazed tone.

Gus smiled, "Because you asked."

Mrs.Willis gasped. "You knew."

"Gus you're tall!" Luz finally blurted out.

He nodded, sitting down by Luz, being tons taller. "Human puberty. Works weirdly."

Luz poked his cheek, "Still fragile."

Gus poked Luz's cheek back, "Tough but still soft~" He cooed, caressing Luz's cheek.

The witch giggled, "Thank you~~"

Gus let out a quick cry as his shoulder was squeezed, freezing up as he realized who's grip this was. "Sorry ma'am– Won't do it again– Please let me live–"

"Amity!!" Luz's ears perked up, the witch smiling brightly. "When'd you come in~"

Amity pushed Gus away, taking his spot, "I have Gus for social science, the teacher sent us, not only him. Why the hell do you have to leave the heavy boxes to me?" Amity hissed.

"Because I have weak arms–"

"Makes sense." A new voice agreed.

The group looked back, "Willow! Hi Willow~" Luz cooed.

"Mr.Quinn sent me here. You asked for his tie dye?" Willow spoke, walking over with a box.

Mrs.Willis nodded, "So many gifts~"

Willow sat down, Luz crawling over to her, plopping in to the humans grasp, "I haven't had a Willow hug in so long~" Luz sighed, giving the human a tight squeeze.

"I haven't had a Luz hug in so long," Willow hugged Luz back. "Can you come over later?"

"Finally want me to train the piranha plants hm?" Luz teased.

Willow nodded, "They've gotten big, I feel if I don't train them now they won't ever learn."

Luz purred very quietly, only being heard by Willow. "..Boscha uhm..Told me you only purr when you're happy or snug.." Willow said quietly. "They're not that loud.."

The witchling froze, her purrs stopping abruptly. "..."

"Amity–" Willow held her arms out, sending a panicked face to the Blight.

Amity scowled at the human, getting up, carefully pulling Luz away from Willow, but the witch didn't want to get up. She pulled away from Amity, hugging Willow again. "I'll purr– I will– J-Just a minute–" Luz choked out.

Gus rubbed Luz's back, the witch tensing up, gripping Willow's shirt. He pulled back. Amity tried, Luz letting out a small cry. "Luz– Willow what the hell did you do to her–"

Luz purred. "See? Purring–" Luz blurted out, her purrs stopping for a second before they kept going. "I-I told you I would–"

Willow got up with Luz, the witch trembling, "Give us a minute.." Willow said softly, going to the extra room.

She closed the door, being seen sliding down the door. "I'm not going to hit you, I promise." Willow pushed Luz back gently. "I'm sorry for mentioning Boscha.."

"I-It wasn't that– I mean I do miss her but–" Luz sniffled, wiping her face. "I know she's okay–"

Willow blew lightly on Luz's nose, the witch actually relaxing. "..How's it going with Amity?"

"Amity..? It's going well..Great even.." Luz mumbled.

"Oh? Has she given you more kisses now that you're together?"

Luz nodded, wiping her tears again, "I get a lot more yeah.."

"Cuddles when you want them?"


"And loads of candy I bet."

Luz nodded, "Smershey's are the only candies on my mind now."


"Oh yeah! Amity made her own carob chocolate! Mattias helped her out a bit and he molded his in to bones, Amity made little dollops."

Willow ooed, "Maybe I can have a bite sometime. Ready?"

Luz wiped her face a final time, then nodded, getting up. Willow followed suit, opening the door, both exiting. "Amity! Let him go!" Willow exclaimed, rushing over.

Amity looked back, about to punch Gus right on his sniffer, the male trying so hard to escape. Amity dropped him when she saw Luz, going over to the witch. But she jerked back. "Luz–"

"Ah– I-I'm sorry–" Luz mumbled. "It's just..Family stuff, on my mind.."

Amity stepped back a bit, holding her arms out. "Hug?"

Luz slowly walked over, hugging the human. "Hm.." Luz hummed quietly.

Amity nuzzled Luz's cheek, "I love you, don't forget that okay?" Amity gave the witch a gentle squeeze. "I know when you're happy Luz, don't force yourself to follow along yeah?"

Luz nodded, "I won't..And I love you too Amity.."

Right..Love you..No secrets, right..?

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now