Luz's Requiem. [17]

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Early Saturday morning, Luz's deafening ringtone woke the witch up, as well as the sleeping being by her. Luz sat up, unplugging her phone, groggily answering, "Hello..?"

The being sat up behind her, wrappi- ng their arms around Luz neck, resti- ng their head on her shoulder. "Luz oh my gosh- I was practicing my harp because that's what I'm supposed to do every morning! But I got way too in to it and when I open my eyes? MY STUFF FLOATS, THEN FALLS!"

"Back to bed.."

"In a minute Amity..Did you learn magic Skara..?" Luz mumbled.

Amity hummed quietly, nuzzling Luz's cheek, "It's cold.." Amity said quietly.

"Am I interrupting something??" Skara blurted out. "Luz just call me back- I need your help-"

Luz yawned, "Okay..I'll call you when I'm on my way..Is that alright..?"

"That's fine-- Just don't forget-?"

"I won't..Bye Skara.." Luz hung up, putting her phone down, yawning again.

Amity hummed quietly, "Bed..?"

Luz nodded, the human letting her go, Luz laying back down. Amity waited for Luz to get comfortable before lying on her chest, Luz putting her arm around the human. Amity hummed quietly in approval, pulling the covers over herself, then relaxed.

The witchling sighed quietly, "Dang it now I want to go see Skara..!"


Luz and Amity had went to the Blight Manor where Skara met them at, the human then proving her words were true. Skara wasn't lying. "Having just checked your blood, Willow gave you some of her magic." Luz said, handing the small vile back. "Congrats Skara, you're in the Bard Track."

The human looked up, "Huh?"

Amity yawned, nuzzling in to Luz's shoulder from behind, "Sleep.."

Luz shushed her, "I told you, you can go sleep. I'll be there in a bit Amity.."

The human hummed quietly, "Okay.."

Luz cleared her throat, "The Bard Track is where witches, wizards and more use instruments to levitate, sink, control, or just play with magic." Luz explained.

Skara lowered her harp, "Can you do this?"

Luz nodded, drawing a circle, this one being red. A violin and a bow was dropped in to her grasp. "My momma taught me her song, but, she's cursed, and it does a little something different so Amity, please go sit."

The human whined, tightening her grip on Luz, "Sleep.."

"I'll show Skara first, then I'll take you to bed, okay?"

Amity hesitated, then let her go, going to the desk. "What's the song called?" Skara asked.

"Eda's Requiem." Luz said softly, lifting up the violin. "Don't get scared by what happens, when I stop, it goes back. Okay?"

Slowly, Skara nodded, "Okay.."

Luz adjusted her placement on the violin, pressing the bow up against the strings, sighing quietly.

Ever so elegantly, Luz dragged the bow up and down on the violin, Skara watching in amazement. Til, things started floating. The room lit up, Luz glancing around at it. Halfway in, objects began turning black, and so did the floor around Luz. It made a circle around her, slowly expanding, then it began to go up Luz's leg.

The witchling tensed at the feeling, but kept going. A little past halfway, it made its way up to Luz's waist, as she continued, the darkness kept creeping up her body. "Luz, stop playing." Amity spoke softly. "We've already heard enough."

Luz slowed down, then began playing the song in reverse. She struggled a bit at first, til she got the hang of it, then the black ceased. It returned down to her feet, then when Luz reached the beginning, she stopped. Then she shivered. "The longer I play, the scarier this part gets-"

Skara was still in awe, "That did get scary! But that was awesome! You gotta teach me that."

"I'm taking Amity to bed, actually." Luz said, throwing her violin and bow up.

They poofed away, the witchling dusting off her hands, going over to the Blight, "Come on, after you fall asleep I'll work with Skara."

Amity got back up, hugging Luz, the witchling sighing, "Do you want me to teach Skara first, then spend the rest of the time cuddling?"




"Not who I meant." Amity hissed.

Luz waved her off, "You weren't specific Amity."

Skara nervously cleared her throat, gently pushing Luz away, "Listen- I want to make it past graduation-"

Luz whined, "NoO! You're so warm and soft~" Luz purred, resting her head on Skara's shoulder.

The human whimpered, "Go to Amity before I die please-"

Luz shook her head, "Hug me, please?"

"If I do, I die. Get off, I'm begging you-"

Luz pushed herself away, huffing, going over to the corner of the room, sitting down. She faced the wall, pulling her knees up to her chest. "Skara doesn't want to hug me. Skara's mean..Skara doesn't wanna be my friend.."

Amity glared at Skara, going over to Luz. The witchling let out a small whine, Amity sitting behind her, pulling the witchling over. "I'll take the hug Luz. You know I will."

Luz grumbled, then let out another whine. "Skara's so mean.."

"Because she didn't want a hug?"

Luz nodded slowly, "She didn't have to say yes, did she? She can say no."

"I mean yeah..But it's just a hug..An air hug would've been okay.."

Amity kissed Luz's head, the witch freezing in her place as her face reddened. "Hug me instead."

Before Luz could, an unholy play of the guitar was going down the hall, and since it was loud, Luz covered her ears instead. Amity put her hands over Luz's, kissing her head. The guitar stopped, Amity moving Luz's hands down, "Did you take the guitar home..?" Luz asked.

"You didn't, someone had to!"

The drum kit was next to rush down the hall, their hi-hat hitting the symbols. Luz got up, going over to the door, the violin cartwheeling down the hall, right past her. Then, it was Odalia's turn. The human had a type of gun, stopping, aiming, and firing. Missed.

Odalia pursued after them, Luz drawing a quick circle before going after her. She rushed past Odalia, opening up her potion and drinking it, skidding in front of her Odalia. The human stumbled back, "Luz!" She hissed.

The polar bear dog snarled, huffing, going after the wayward instruments. Odalia aimed again, firing, hitting Luz's heel. Down goes Achilles..

To be continued.

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