Friday, February fourth.
Amity wasn't at school today. Luz actually did not know, til lunch. Luz, was crying, during lunch. Amity always knows when Luz is crying, but apparently, the human was absent, so Luz was left to cry in a bathroom. For three hours. With no phone, no magic, and no one to hear her.
During lunch, Luz had bunked in to someone. This someone, was new, but was well aware of who Luz was. They cursed at her, then threw their apple sauce, mustard, and ketchup at her. Luz went to the bathroom to wash off, but they locked her in. Luz glanced down at her bruised hands, shakily sighing. "Help..Please.."
It's been twenty minutes since the school bell rang, everyone was gone. Well, not the custodians yet. The bathroom door clicked as it was unlocked, Mrs.Quill slowly walking in. "Time to clean.." She glanced down. "Hi Luz.." She paused, looking down at Luz. "What are you doing here!?"
"M-Mrs.Quill-" Luz choked out.
The custodian pulled Luz up, "Oh goodness gracious- Come on let's get you to the health office. She's still in there cleaning up some blood.."
Luz was given extra clothes, allowed to use the P.E showers, then taken care of in the nurse's office for awhile til someone came to pick her up. The door was kicked open, "Where is she." Amity hissed, looking around the room.
She looked down by her feet, Luz curling up further, "Hi Amity.." Luz said hoarsely.
Amity knelt down, "Luz- What the hell happened? Who am I killing? Whose funeral is it?" Amity grabbed Luz by her wrists, examining her hands. "Did you do this?"
"..I don't think I like doors anymore.." Luz said quietly.
Amity sighed, connected their foreheads, and sat down. "Talk to me Luz..I'm not leaving you alone.."
Luz teared up, letting out a quiet hicc, trembling. "I hate school- Humans are so mean- I-I didn't do anything wrong-" Luz cried out. "All you humans do is hurt.."
"Well, you're right..I've hurt you, and I regret it..You were innocent, and I hurt you.." Amity kissed Luz's hand. "I know I've said it so many times, but I really am sorry..I should have never hurt you.."
Luz put her other hand over Amity's, nuzzling the humans cheek. "..."
"Let's go out, get something to eat, how does that sound?"
Luz shook her head. "I don't think I can think about food for awhile either.."
Luz paused. "Maybe some foods.."
"So..Are you sure you love her?" Emira asked.
"Definitely." Amity kissed Luz's hand. "Not Edric anymore though, he's dead to me."
"I didn't plan this- P-Please I have like seventy years left to live-" Edric choked out.
When Amity took Luz to the Blight manor, the witch wanted to have a nice, short nap. But Edric was stupid, having layed down by Luz. The witch had hugged him in her sleep, and kind of believed he was Amity. Until now.
Amity lied down by Luz, the witch kicking away Edric, turning, and hugging her human. "Purrrr~"
Luz nuzzled in to Amity's chest, her purrs growing. Amity put her arm over Luz, pulling her over, sighing in relief. "Edric lives another night.."
About three hours later, Luz finally woke up. Amity had the witch over herself, looking over at the TV the entire time. "Amity..?" Luz yawned.
Amity glanced down at Luz, "Sharp-"
"Huh..?" Luz rubbed her eyes, lying her head back down on Amity's chest. "Tired.."
Amity pushed Luz up, sitting up with the tired witchling. "I just noticed your fangs.." Amity opened Luz's mouth, the witch closing it. "Open."
Luz yawned again, her ears going down as she relaxed. "Tired.."
"Luz, open."
The witch opened her mouth, Amity poking Luz's canine teeth. "Very sharp!"
"Yeah..Food on the Isles is thick and tough.." Luz mumbled. "Here it's very weak.."
Amity pulled back, feeling Luz's ears, the witch yawning again, leaning in to Amity's left palm. "Can you move them yourself?" Amity asked.
"No..They move on their own.." Luz's stomach growled, her ears slanting. "Hungry.."
Amity let Luz go, "Come on, don't want to risk you throwing up.."
Luz rolled out of bed, Amity going with her, both leaving the room. They went downstairs, dinner being served. "Right on time! Come eat, we just finished." The Chef's said cheerfully. "Really do hope you like it."
"I'm an aunt!" Emira shouted, rushing down the stairs.
Luz paused, "They hatched-"
Emira nodded furiously, Edric doing high knees, "They have to look at you first so they know you're raising them!" Edric blurted out. "Come on come on!"
Luz pushed herself away from the table, rushing towards the twins, the two racing up the stairs to one of the guest rooms. "Grrrrsssssthh~"
The witchling opened the door very carefully, peeking in. "Babies!~" Luz awhed, skipping over to the container.
The eggs were placed in a carton with a heat lamp over it for a few days while maturing. Many of the eggs, were already cracked. One of which, was not a chicken. Nor Luz's original hypothesis. It, was a snake. Luz ooed, picking up the redbelly snake. It hissed quietly, then yawned.
"Peep peep peep!"
The chickens fell in to Luz's hair, the witch sitting down, taking them out of her hair, placing them in her lap. Luz examined them, the chickens chirping loudly. "Pierre!"
Luz looked back, the crow nuzzling Amity's cheek. "Lost! Gramity! Home!" He chirruped.
The witchling yelped, holding her hand up, the snake nibbling on the witches finger. Pierre flew over, then landed in Luz's lap. "Dinner!"
"Not dinner, baby!" Luz pulled the snake carefully off her finger, placing it down. "I'll probably give it to Grace, she's good with reptiles."
The chickens waddled towards Luz, getting on her leg. "Baries?"
"Babies yes! Want to help?"
Pierre flew down, nudging one of the chicks, "Craw!"
The chickens chirped, Pierre nuzzling them, "Baries! Food for baries!"
Luz nodded. "Go get food okay?"
He chirruped, shaking himself eagerly, spreading his wings and flying out the room. He, is now, a parent in training.
To be raised.

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5
FanfictionMaxed out on parts in first one, welcome, to the 1.5 book, of Weirdos Stick Together. Glad to have you back readers, but let's get right in to the description. EPISODES 1-80 WRITTEN BEFORE SEASON 2B Luz Clawthorne, a witchling, banished from her wo...