Their dance. [14 part 3.50]

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Art by Kohlnnns on Tumblr

Boshca and Viney had rushed over, Boscha having put Grom back in the bottle and in her secret pocket. They quickly cleaned up the mess both on the field and the gym, then the party went on. It was supposed to end at one in the morning, but people wouldn't leave.

Luz stayed to take care of everyone, then finally, at three in the morning, people started leaving. Amity stayed with Luz, but had dozed off in the stands, Noah taking care of her but also falling asleep. For about thirty minutes after Luz ended the party, she was cleaning.

She put all the decorations in a box to save for next year, bagged or boxed all the food, saved the drinks, emptied the trash, payed the security, returned Arin's shell, turned him back, and oh geez this is hard. The band stayed as they were stuck on Earth, but played a simple tune while Luz cleaned.

The witch finally finished at around four thirteen (4:13), needing to wake up Amity now. She gently nudged the human, Amity grumbling quietly. Luz shook her, Amity covering her face, shooing Luz away. "You need to get home Amity." Luz mumbled.

Amity groaned, sitting up, rubbing away the sleep from her eyes, yawni- ng and stretching. "Do you need any.. Help..?"

"No, I've already cleaned up. I just need you to leave so I can lock up." Luz said, reaching her hand out to wake Noah.

Amity took her hand, "I still owe you a dance, don't I..?"

"But I'm not your date to Prom--" Luz fumbled, reaching in to her pocket.

She handed Amity the pink note, Amity pushing it back to her, "Just dance with me doofus.." Amity smiled softly, pulling her up.

Amity guided Luz down the steps and to the floor, the instruments consulti- ng with one another, then deciding on a song. "Do you want to lead, Luz?"

Play a song now for a better gayxperience, if you don't like the dance, make up your own as you go!

The witchling slowly shook her head, was this really happening? Did she get killed by Grom and was now living a fantasy? Screw it, to hell with it!

Amity took Luz's left hand, putting her other hand on Luz's waist. The song got softer, Amity slowly guiding Luz around the gym floor. Hm. Luz kind of expected this to be romantic and like, on the grass or out when the sun sets. No matter, she was at least granted the opportunity to dance with Amity.

The human spun her around, Luz giggling, "You do dance." Luz teased.

Amity lightly scoffed, "You thought I didn't before?" Amity joked, pulling Luz over.

The witch loosely wrapped her arms around Amity's neck, the human putting her other hand on Luz's waist. The song slowed down, the two just waltzing around the room in silence. When the song stopped, so did they.

Luz glanced up at Amity, the human taking a peek at the witch. The band gazed at them, begging for something to happen. But. Tis the witch has gotten nervous. Luz lowered her cherry face, "I can't--"

"Can't what?" Amity asked.

"Sorry-- You'll have to lock up for me Amity--" Luz muttered, just before disappearing, a key falling on the floor.

The guitar made an unholy tune, the drum kit roughly hitting themself, the violin making a sad vibrato. "What? What did I do?!"

"I was watching it and even I'm upset." Noah muttered. "And we're dating!"

Amity flinched, looking up at the stands and to him, "Tell me what I did!"

"That was sad Amity." He sighed, getting up, going down to her. "Come on, let's get home."

Amity huffed, adjusting her women's tie, "The bands coming home with us. Help the drum kit."



Currently 7:24 am. Luz is on two hours of sleep! Time for her first earth semester to end. Luz put on the cutest thing she had, her Axolotl jacket, cat beanie, light pink overalls with her axolotl shirt, white sneakers and rainbow socks.

Amilotl joined her for school, the witch having her end of the semester talk ready for the school. Luz was taken to school by Camilla, the human very proud of Luz, and the other two I guess. Viney and Boscha just had the colors of the school on, both just glad they could get this over with.

When they were dropped off, Luz received a head kiss, Viney and Boscha just got a good job, then Camilla left. Luz left her friends to go talk to the principal. "He's not here today dear." The vice principal said. "And I'm leaving anyway, you'll have to do this on your own."

"But I did the dance on my own! I only had two hours of sleep-"

"I'm sorry, your time, you manage it." She said, closing her briefcase. "I'll see you next semester Luz."

"No!" Luz hissed. "You'll have to stay! I'm not doing this on my own!"

The vice principal walked past her, Luz glaring at her, Amilotl nodding her way, ice blocking her from leaving. "Threatening someone is wrong I do know that much, but leaving a kid to stress herself out is worse." Luz muttered.

"Hm." The vice principal huffed. "It's also wrong to be rude, isn't it Luz?"

Luz pulled a paper from her pocket, crumbling it, tossing it towards her, "I'm not doing it. I'm going home.."

The vice principal caught it, "See you next semester Luz." She muttered, kicking the ice away, going over it and leaving.

"Amilotl, home."

But, she wasn't taken home. She was taken to the forest. Luz looked around, almost in a panic, then her heart sank when she saw it. The portal. Was open.

Hesitantly, Luz walked towards it. She surrounded it, "Why is it out in the open..?"

A twig snapped, Luz turning her atte- ntion to the trees. Just a bird landing. Luz sighed quietly, Amilotl hissing at it. "Scared me little guy.."

It tilted it's head up at her, chirping. Luz's ears perked up, but before she could turn, a towel was put over her mouth, having the horrible scent of.. Hey..It's getting kinda..Dark..

Luz stumbled back, Amilotl being grabbed and thrown through the portal. Luz caved in, falling in to their grasp, being picked up. "We'll get your friends later.."

To be continued.

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now