Well. That happened. [40 part 2]

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"What is this." Annabelle poked her meal.

"It's french toast!" Luz poured her strawberry syrup over it. "I've been craving this for awhile- Oh- I need to tell Amity I'm eating so she won't worry later."

Luz pulled her phone out, texting Amity while the others began their meals. Annabelle sliced her french toast, pouring some blueberry syrup over it, picking it up with her fork. She hesitantly ate it, humming as it was simply amazing. "Brenda try this try this!" Penelope held out a spoonful of Mac n cheese.

The brunette ate it off the spoon, "Swo gwood! Try this try this!" She offered a chicken tender.

Penelope took a bite of it, "Amazing!"

"Hey Anna, what were we even doing here?" Brenda asked, taking another spoonful of Mac n Cheese that Penelope offered.

"Saw Luz walk in. Knew I recognized her because of her hair." Annabelle picked up another slice, eating it.

Luz put her phone away, slicing up her french toast, taking two slices and eating them. "Swo gwood~~"


"Why are you guys here so early anyways?" Luz asked, taking a sip of her water.

"School." The three said I'm unison. "Right around the corner."

Luz ohed. "I have to take the bus home so I can be taken to school. So I should really get going, we've been here nearly two hours!"


Annabelle nodded, "Thanks for paying, you know you didn't have to."

"Well I did invite you three to sit with me, it's only fair I pay." Luz got up, putting her bag over her shoulder. "Come on Amilotl."

It pecked Penelope's cheek, jumping in to Luz's arms. "Luz!"

Hm, Luz doesn't seem to recognize that voice. "Huh?"

The male around her age pointed his camera to the girls, "What have the Blights put you up to?"

"Uhm- Designing??"

"You're currently hanging out with Penelope Astor, Brenda Bourbon, and Annabelle Chopard!" He exclaimed. "Have the Blights sent you to make friends with the enemy?"

"We have enemies?" Luz blurted out.

"You sure do! Penelope Astor daughter of the famous actress Richard Astor! Brenda Bourbon, the granddaughter of Winstrom Bourbon who directed the best movies! And Annabelle Chopard! Who's next in line to take over her mother's entire designing company!"

Luz drew back. "Okay. Things I did not know! Can I leave? I have school in thirty minutes and the drive is very long."

"Not until you tell us why you're with these three famous women!"

"Because we're out eating, okay?"

"Not buying it." He hissed.

Luz narrowed her eyes at him, standing upright. "This story might have blown over already," Luz held her hand out, engulfing it in purple flame. "But I'm the witch. I've asked you kindly to let me leave, so I'm giving you one, more, chance." Luz hissed. "Move. Aside."

He turned off his phone, putting it in his pocket, holding his hands up, moving aside. Luz shook her hand, the fire going out. "Thank you." She walked past him. "Have a lovely, day."

Penelope, Brenda, and Annabelle pulled their phones out, calling one of their guardians. "Hey,"

"Dad?" "Mom?" "Pop?"

"I think I'm gay."


1st period. English 10 with Henry Parkinson. Luz liked this class, a lot of the human books she read were books she was learning about! The teacher loved called on Luz since the witch knew the answers, explained perfectly, and participated alot. "Call me Ishmael. Anyone know where this is from?"

Luz raised her hand. "Anyone besides Luz?" The teacher teased.

Another girl rose her hand. "Moby Dick."

"Thank you, that is what we'll be learning about this week! We won't be reading the book, but the first few pages to see how many metaphors we can find." Mr.Parkinson explained. "I read this book when I was in College, had to read it, in three days. I'm not forcing you to read it, but see if you can beat my time. Now, let's get started."


P.E with Rachel Upton. "Down and give me twenty!"

"One..Two..Three..Four..Five.." Luz gave up. "Nevermind.."

"Come on Luz!" Ms.Upton encouraged. "I'll get you a sorrow rancher if you keep going!"

Luz whined, pushing herself up in to a plank. "But I used magic earlierrr.."

"Well push your limits!"

"Smershey's." Amity said, sitting down in front of Luz.

"You finished?" Ms.Upton asked.

Amity nodded. "I've worn heavy dresses, pushups are nothing."

"Twenty three..Twenty four.." Luz fell on the blacktop. "Death.."

Amity ruffled Luz's hair, "You're doing great Luz."

"Thank you.." Luz groaned.

Mile today. Luz got the same time as Amity today, and since everyone finished under thirteen minutes, the class had fun Thursday. Luz sat with Amity, leaning her head against the humans shoulder, dozing off. Amity was rolling a ball to Brian while they gossiped about something stupid.

Brian nodded, "Then she said I was overreacting? Dumb ----- over here lying her @$$ off." Brian sighed. "Why do you get shade?"

Amity rolled the ball back to him, "I get shade, because I thought about sitting here before you did."

"Then why can't we move so I don't get sunburnt?" Brian wailed, pushing the ball back.

"Because if I move Luz, I'll blame myself if I wake her."

"But I'm not even asleep anymore.." Luz said softly.

"See? Sleeping like a log, we're not waking her." Amity kissed Luz's head. "It's funny watching him whine."

"We dress out in a bit.."

Amity sighed. "Come on."

Luz got up, Amity kicking the ball lightly to Brian, the male looking at it with a straight face. Amity walked with Luz to the locker rooms, Ms.Upton getting ready to blow the whistle. "It's unlocked, head on in." She blew the whistle. "CLASS IS OVER DRESS OUT!"

Amity held the door open for Luz, the witch skipping to her locker, quickly putting in the digits, opening her locker. "Amilotl! I told you to stop eating in my locker!"

It scrambled out, rushing to Amity, climbing up her leg but failing, using it's barely noticeable claws to stick on to the Blight's shorts. "Amilotl, off."

Amilotl let go, falling with a squeak, retreating to Luz. The witch was already dressed out, grabbing her bag, letting Amilotl hop in before she began to clean her locker from the crumbs. Luz closed and locked her locker, sneaking out, waiting for Amity outside.

In a few minutes, the Blight was done. "Want me to talk you to class?" Amity asked.

Luz shook her head, "It's break, don't you remember?"

"I know, but don't you hang out in your class for the break?"

Luz shrugged, "If it's cold yeah.."

"Want to go to an empty class?"

"So I can sleep?"

"So I can kiss you."


"That works."

To be cuddled.

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now