Farewell My Friend. [61 part 3]

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Saph quickly flipped the tortilla, then dragged it on to the plate. She lowered the heat, turning, slipping on a tortilla, kicking it on to the stove. She picked up the plate, carefully dropping it on the floor, hopping down. She picked it back up, going over to the room.

She pawed at it, squeaking proudly. "Not hungry.."

The bunny frowned, pawing at the door, "!!"

"Then stay there. I'm not going to eat."

Saph mocked him to herself, sitting down, laying down and curling up, closing her eyes.


*Beep Beep- Beep Beep-* The fire alarm warned, Venom opening the door to check it out. His heart sank as he saw the sight worsening before him. Venom rushed to the stove, switching it off, running the water, sliding the tortilla in to the sink. It hissed as the fire burned out, the non food crumbling.

Venom pulled a lid out from the oven, covering the flame, covering the little hole. The fire died out quickly, the familiar looking over at Saph. She cowered under the table, Venom getting on the counter and switching off the alarm. "Saph, I get you were trying to be nice, but you can't cook. You can't leave the stove on!!"

The bunny's ears flopped in front of her, Saph trembling. "Especially since we have a ga-" He paused, his frills lowering. "s burner.."

The propane tank hissed as the inside heated up, Venom rushing to Saph, covering her. The defeaning boom of it exploding lingered in the air, a ringing soon following along with the cackling of fire. Sure, part of the kitchen was destroyed, but so was the soap.

Venom groggily got up, picking Saph up, stumbling to the front door. He opened it, placing her on the doorstep and rushing to his room. The fire alarm blared, Venom searching the room, pulling out a bag and a small safe. They were documents, like passports, licenses, paperwork, and a lot of other stuff.

The familiar placed it outside, having to get the other important stuff out. Venom grabbed keys, hearing a car pull up. "VENOM!"

"Grace--" The familiar grabbed some clothing, leaving the room, slipping on the plate of food Saph left out.

Venom got back up, rushing to the door, handing Grace keys and clothes. "Co-"

"It's fine I can handle heat-- What other documents do you need Grace, before-"

"Under the bed-- It's your stuff--"

Venom slithered back to his room, then, he realized, he was an idiot. "Mr.Noodles-"

The familiar rushed to the extra room, climbing on the tank, said tank toppling over as his sudden weight erased all lines of balance. The tank shattered as it made contact with the floor, scratching Venom. He hissed, moving around the glass, picking up Mr.Noodles.

Venom let the snake get on his back, about to enter Grace's room, but the fire had already spread to the room. Venom covered his snout, Mr.Noodles using his tail to cover his nose. The familiar fumbled to find the door, seeing the light seep through a window. "Plan B--" He coughed.

The familiar grabbed Mr.Noodles, stepping back. Venom covered the snake, moving his left foot back, and ran to the bed. He hopped on, then rammed in to the window. It shattered, the beast tumbling on the grass. "Venom-" Grace knelt down beside him, flipping him over. "Ah-- We called Luz and the fire department-"

Venom hissed, releasing Mr.Noodles, "H..He's hurt.."

'Tis but a scratch.' Mr.Noodles nuzzled Venom. 'That, is not.'

Cheryl bit off her sleeve, pressing it up against Venom's wound, the familiar panting heavily. "You need to relax- You'll only make it worse-"

Venom scratched the dirt, gripping some in his claws. Something crashed down in front of the group, Luz sliding over. "He- He's not going to make it in this condition--" Luz moved Cheryl aside, pressing down a little harder on the wound. "Venom I need you to switch-- You'll have better chances--"

"..Can't..Move.." He breathed out.

Saph limped over, nuzzling in between Venom's arm. "Saph-- Out of the w--"

"Leave her.." Venom nuzzled the bunny. "..T...nk you...r...unch.."

Saph nuzzled his chin, Venom letting out quiet sighs. The wail of a siren neared, marching soon following, then the flow of water. A paramedic slid over, picking Venom up, the familiar having gone limp, his tail drooping down. Saph gazed at the human who took Venom, slowly sitting down.

Mr.Noodles slithered over to Grace, licking her thumb. The human covered her mouth, tears flowing down her cheeks. "I can get you there sooner--" Luz spoke to the paramedic. "He-- He needs to be okay--"

The paramedic spoke to someone on their walkie, nodding to Luz, the witch grabbing them and teleporting away. Grace lowered herself, crying out, Cheryl hugging her tightly, rubbing her back. Saph stared at the ambulance, her ears still ringing from the tank's result.

This was her fault. If Venom died, it would be her fault-- His blood would be on her paws- A-And he won't be there to forgive her o-or tell her everything would be okay- Saph looked down slowly, her vision blurring. Venom would be okay, right?


Grace paced around, her heart picking up the pace at every sound. Til it was the sound her very ears forced her to listen to. *Beeeeeeeeep* Another doctor rushed in, Camilla following in with Willow's staff.

Luz was pushed out, the witch covering her mouth, her ears drooped down. "Hicc--" The witch choked out, slowly looking over at Grace. "I-I don't think he-he's going to make it--" She stuttered.

Grace fell to her knees, covering her face, her tears hitting the tiles. The deafening beep continued, then it spiked, before returning to it's constant stream. Silence in the halls and room, then doctors filed on out, either crying or mumbling to themselves.

Camilla nervously hummed as she approached Grace, kneeling down. Grace hiccuped, hesitantly looking up at her, "P-Please--"

The Noceda shook her head, Grace slamming her hands down and screaming. "Venom-- Hicc-- Huff-- My baby-- V-Venom-- I-I- I couldn't protect you-- We d- Hicc--" Grace yelled, her crying worsening. "I'm sorry-- I'm so sorry Venom--"

Luz trembled, glancing back in the room, then her ears perked up. She rushed to Grace, pulling her up, summoning a needle. She pricked the humans finger, dragging her to the room. Venom laid there on the bed, his eyes closed, looking rather comfy in the hospital bed.

Grace hiccuped, covering her mouth, Luz mumbling to herself. "I'm such an idiot, I forgot he was a familiar--" Luz muttered. "G-Grace- You can bring him back--"

The human wiped her still flowing tears, confused. "..?"

"With your permission-- Can I give you magic so you can bring him back- Please--"

Grace nodded furiously, "Anything-- I- I want him back--"

Luz drew a circle, then poked Grace's arm. The human shivered, Luz taking her hands. "This will be very disturbing for you, Grace, but you need to imagine Venom very much not alive. Worse than now."


"Just follow along--"

Grace nodded, Luz sighing sharply. "Just, breathe."

Just take a breath..

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now