. . .Die. [49 part 2]

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Luz's hands were disinfected, numbed, and wrapped. Her knees were only disinfected and checked for bleeding which didn't happen. Luz felt better already! They returned to P.E, then proceeded to leave. Amity had to distract the students while Luz dressed out so she could be watched in the office.

Amity helped Luz sneak out, then Ms.Upton took it from there by assisting Luz to the office. Amity stayed in P.E to ask people why the hell they hurt her girlfriend. Apparently, they all believed Luz cursed Amity to love her. Which was a total lie, because by Luz only being kind, everyone could fall for her.

Of course, the students believed her, because she was right. Luz was such a kind, innocent, and very cute being, who wouldn't fall for her? Now there's a new issue. "You don't deserve her."

"She's too good!"

"We'll take her!"

"Luz is too nice."

"So sweet!"

"I'll take her off your hands!"

"Augh so lucky!"

"Amity's a terrible candidate!"

"Damn I wish I was Amity!"

Don't we all?


"Precious, My Love, Luz~" Amity cooed.

The witch scribbled in her sketch book, shading in a specific part, then uncapping her pen. She signed her name, about to add her number, but she was stopped. "No."


"No. No one should have your number besides me and people you actually know."

Luz paused. "But I do know them."

"Who is it for?" Amity asked, peeking over Luz's shoulder.

Luz lifted up her sketch book, blowing lightly on it to get the pencil dust off, showing it to Amity. "Who's that? Do I know them?"

"He's in our P.E class. This is for his girlfriend. And you shouldn't worry, he's not the kind of man you think he is. Also please don'tact like that. I may be yours but I'm still in charge of myself. Okay?"

Amity huffed, nuzzling in to Luz's shoulder, nodding. "Cuddle.."

"The floor is very uncomfy." Luz said softly, closing her sketch book, sliding it in to her bag. "Also you have work after school."

Amity clicked her tounge. "Damn I forgot.."

"Heya ladies."

Luz backed up against Amity a bit, glancing down, "Hey Noah." Amity spoke, pulling Luz over. "Been awhile."

He nodded, Luz hiding her face in Amity's shoulder. Noah squat down, poking Luz's back. The witch squeaked nervously, gripping Amity's shirt. "Don't worry, I'm getting the help I need, I promise." Noah said softly. "I meet up with my man after school, coach layed me off the team for a bit."

Luz let out a little whine, her ears drooping down. "She's still mad at you for nearly killing her in front of me."

"Yeah I know. Who wouldn't be?" Noah got up. "Anyways, I signed up for this club where we host these uh.. Fundraisers, yeah. We host those and today, since it's Valentine's day, we're selling candies with little cards to people as little gifts."

Amity tilted her head to the side, "Huh?"

"Right. I suck at explaining- You give me a dollar, tell me someone's name, and I give that person a candy from you. Could be anonomus or not."

Amity ohed. "That makes much more sense."

Luz mumbled something, Amity patting her back, whispering back. Luz let out a nervous whine, Amity sighing. "See ya Creed."

Noah nodded, waving at Amity, then walking off. "He's gone."

Luz whispered something, "Yes Luz, I still love you and only you."

The witch whispered another thing, Amity sighing. "No I'm not seeing any one, human or not, on the side. You're my one and only Luz."

". . ." The witch whispered something else.

Amity nodded, "I do still believe I do not deserve you. You deserve tons better."


"Thank you Luz. You're only adding more to the reasons I don't deserve you."

The witch kissed her cheek, purring quietly. "Snug?"

"Mm-mm." Luz shook her head.


"Mhm." Luz nodded.

Amity rubbed Luz's back, leaning her head against the witches. "If I ever stop loving you, smack me as hard as you can, I'll figure out I'm being stupid and I know I'll come running back."

Luz let out a small chirp, the human awhing quietly. "You're so cute~~"

The witch nuzzled in to Amity's very warm shoulder, squeezing the human tightly. "Purr~"

Such an teeny weeny witchy~

What a weird feeling..

"Such a cute witch~"

"Awh Luz~"

"So cute~"

"Precious bean~"


Luz wiped her face, having just gotten awoken and off the phone. "Come here, you need a hug~"

"..o...ank...you.." Luz mumbled, hiding behind Amity's arm.

"I'm sorry Bruce can't come.." Amity said softly, taking Luz's hand.

The witch glanced down, squeezing Amity's hand. "Mm.."

The limo pulled up, Amity opening the door, but Luz didn't go in. "Come on, I'll take you home."

Luz shook her head. "I'm going home with Willow today.."

Amity took Luz's hand, pushing her in the car. "Come on. I'll take you home."

Luz fell with a muffled thud, Amity getting in, closing and locking the door, laying down by Luz on the floor. The witch pushed herself up slightly, shaking her head, rubbing her nose. "Ouch.."

Amity snuggled up to Luz, the witch laying on her back, Amity getting a bit more comfy. "I love you~ I love you so much Luz~"


"I'm not Luz."

Amity yelped, falling off her bed, getting up, looking around. "Emira what the ---- are you doing here!?"

"Uh- Luz is here.." Emira muttered. "She's back from the store after she helped get you home."

Amity scrambled out of the room, going down the stairs as fast as she could. "Luz!"

The witch huhed, handing the grocery bag to Gerald, being attacked with a warm hug. "Amity! Mi amor~" Luz hummed, putting her arm over Amity's. "Como estás?"

"Bien~ Y tu mi amor~?"

"You've been practicing haven't you?" Luz giggled.

"I switched one of my classes, taking Spanish one now." Amity nuzzled Luz's cheek. "I don't have Avid anymore."

Luz pulled back, kissing the Blight's cheek, "Want to help me with lunch?"

"I would love to."

Ooh yes! Me too me too!

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now