The Corset. [56 part 2]

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Now Luz, was in a a corset. "Awh~ My girlfriend is so cute~" Amity awhed, nuzzling Luz's cheek.

The witch whimpered quietly, "It hurts to breathe.."

Amity kissed Luz's cheek, nodding, "I think you'll get used to it by night." Amity nuzzled Luz. "Well Kitten, I have to go."

Luz grabbed the human's sleeve, "Don't go.."

Amity sighed, pulling back, "I have to Kitten, I work all afternoon and night today.."

Luz glanced up at Amity, tugging at her sleeve gently, "I don't want to be alone.."

"I hate that you're so freaking cute Luz," Amity exhaled sharply, picking Luz up. "Let's get your prescription, then we go home, hm?"

Luz nodded, nuzzling in to Amity's shoulder, purring quietly.



The nurse sighed, "Luz. Knows. How. To. Handle. It."

The witch coughed, wiping her mouth and taking deep breaths. "I told you Amity, it's a serious injury. It's common to cough up blood."

Amity nervously hummed, "What do I do to help then?" Amity asked.

The nurse thought about it, "Give her lots of water, put a mask on her too so it prevents her from getting dust in her lungs."

"Okay. Okay I can do that- Thank you-"

"Next time don't panic, know you want to, but it's not helping anyone. See you for your checkups on Tuesday."

Amity agreed and said goodbye, Luz taking a few more deep breaths. "I'll be right back, haunt me if you die!" Amity said, rushing downstairs.

Luz shakily sighed, about to slouch, before she straightened her back. "Ah- O-Ow-"

A plate shattered downstairs, "ARE YOU OKAY!?" Amity exclaimed.

"Are you?" Luz called back.

The backdoor opened and closed, the glass being moved around, "Yes I'm fine, are you okay?" Amity answered and asked.

"Corset is too tight.."

Amity disposed of the glass, making sure to clean up the tinnier pieces and disposing of those too. She came up, handing Luz her water, the witch drinking some before handing it back. Amity put the mask on Luz, pulling her up, "Chickens?"

Luz nodded, coughing quietly, Amity taking Luz to her room. Amity sat down, letting Luz sit in her lap, the witch sighing shakily. "Sophie, Harold, come in."

The chickens were ready, wanting to show Luz a trick they managed to do with seeds. Sophie nudged over a can, Harold dragging a bag of seeds. He let it go, taking two seeds, stepping back, Sophie chirping him directions. Harold aimed, and fired, knocking the can over.

Luz awhed quietly, Sophie switching with him, taking a few seeds, closing her eyes, and firing. The can was knocked back further, Harold letting out suprised chirps. Luz clapped, the chickens scurrying over, nuzzling Luz's knee. "You guys did such a good job~"

Sophie chirruped, nudging Harold, the chicken nudging Sophie back. He chirruped, using his wing to signal to Sophie, who moved aside, pointing at Harold. "Currip chirp peep." He pointed to his right where Sophie now was.

She flinched, "Chirp!"

Luz separated them, helping them out of the nest. They scurried off, Luz sighing quietly. "Want to slouch but can't, hm?"

The witch tensed, "Ah- It's loose now- I think I took too many deep breaths-"

Amity pushed Luz gently off her lap, moving back a bit, "Let me help."


Took awhile, but Amity tightened it again, but a bit too much. "Can't- Breathe-"

Amity undid the knot, tugging lightly at the layers of string to loosen it up a bit for Luz. "..Do you always wear sports bras..?" Amity blurted out with out a second thought.

Luz glanced back, "I do."


"So I can look down at where I'm stepping." Luz answered. "Even if it looks like I have nothing. Which I really don't mind, I just want to be tall."

Amity processed that, then looked down. "I see your point. Is there good?" Amity asked, tugging lightly at the last strings.

Luz breathed in and out, moving a bit, then nodding. "Yes that's perfect."

Amity tied it off, feeling Luz's shoulders, "You're tense, are you okay?"

"Well you're cold, I shivered."

Amity enclosed her palms, blowing lightly, rubbing her palms together, resting her hands on Luz's shoulders. The witch shivered again before she relaxed, Amity rubbing Luz's back, "What.." Amity hesitated. "What have you been seeing when you're with the basilisk..?"

Luz tensed up a bit, "..Home.."


"And my family.."

Amity pulled back, Luz not daring to slouch. "..It's okay, Luz.."

The witch trembled, "It really isn't.." Luz said quietly. "They're with a different me, caring for her like they did me- Not realizing it's not actually me--" Luz choked up. "No one realizes I'm gone- They probably never will- They don't know I'm stuck here-- And they won't build another portal to get me home-"

Amity shushed her, pulling Luz back, taking her hand, "Shh-Shh..Kitten, Luz, it's okay..But think about it a different way.."

"D-Different?" Luz hiccuped, wiping her face with her arm.

Amity hummed, "Yeah, different. What if they do know it's not you, they should be taking care of her, right? I know your family is sweet, so they would be helping her, hm?" Amity used her thumb to rub the back of Luz's hand. "They'll be making a portal for you, and they will come for you to take you home."

Luz leaned back on Amity a bit, the human nuzzling the witch's cheek, "How would you know..?"

"I wouldn't, it's just what I choose to believe right now." Amity answered, kissing Luz's cheek. "You hungry?"

I am! Sign me up for dinner!

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now