She's home.. [15 part 2]

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Amity, Oscura, Venom, Bungii, and Rose were taken to the forest, right on top of Tempest. The beast yelped, quickly getting up with everyone on his back, Amity hushing him up, "It's alright! Just us."

He looked up at Amity, the human patting his head, "Tempest, portal." Oscura said.

The beast got up, trotting through the trees, going to a little shack. He went in, the group now being in a white room. Tempest walked through it, the group being blinded temporarily, til they saw it. "This..Is the Boiling Isles?" Amity lightly scoffed.

Oscura hopped off Tempest, nodding, "Eh, when you've seen it a hundred a times, you get used to it. I'll meet you guys there." She saluted before disappearing.

Tempest sniffed the air, turning right, and running. He jumped over a log or two, taking the four on him to a big school. More specifically, the back. Tempest let them get off, before he left. Amity let Rose get on her shoulder, walking with Venom who was holding Bungii.

The four went over to the group of witches and wizards, the first one to be noticed, being Luz. Amity snuck up behind her, hugging her tightly. The witch let out a quick cry of fear before she was shushed, "Just me, sorry for the scare."

"Viney-- No more Illusions--" Luz mumbled, pushing Amity back.

"I'm not doing an Illusion! That's the real Amity!!" Viney huffed.

Luz turned back, cupping Amity's face, the human grumbling, "Such a warm welcome.."

The witch quickly hugged her, Amity slightly picking her up, "SorryForNot- TextingYouAboutThisIGotKidnapped-"

Amity shushed her, "Don't apologize for someone's mistake." Amity said, rubbing Luz's back. "The other you took us here. She's bringing Wi–"

"Is she bringing Willow? Will she get her own Palisman?" Boscha pried, pulling Luz back, standing in front of Amity. "Do you think I can ask her out on another date--"

Amity pushed her away, "Excuse you, I was hugging Luz. You don't matter to me, please go away."

The human held her arms out, Luz quickly taking the hug. Amity took a peek at the other assorted witches, many completely suprised. "I'm human so what?" Amity hissed. "Keep staring and you'll find out what I can do."

They looked away, almost in a panic, Amity rubbing Luz's back, "Don't be rude Amity, these are my classmates."

Amity huffed, "Fine.."

Flapping ensued above them, a huge bat landing on the weird egg like tree. Luz pulled away from Amity, going over to her, "Hey BQ!"

"Luz. Yiyi." She hummed. "You have grown, yes."

The witchling smiled, "Thank you! How have your children been? Are they doing alright?"

"Not questions you want answers to are they?"

Luz drew back, "Is my mom okay..?"

BQ pat Luz's head with her wing, "We got her out. She healing. Eda sleep, yes."

Luz glanced down, "My friends?"

"Mission," She whistled quietly. "Right now niece Luz, we adopt."

The little door on the tree opened up, Luz awhing loudly as palisman came out. "So cute! Come here little guys!" Luz held her arms out to them.

Many jumped in her grasp, a bee nuzzling her cheek, a crab nearly taking her shoe. "Maya, no.." Luz cooed, gently kicking her away.

The crab waved her claw in the air, the bee flying around it, "Clover! Don't you dare sting Maya!"

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now