Witch Begone. [62]

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Two days later, Monday, March 7th.

"Welcome the new student, please treat her with respect, Bria."

Luz jolted up, looking up. "Heya, I'm Bria. Some of you might know me, but to those who don't," She snapped, a stone chair forming by her. "I'm a witch."

The class ooed, Luz getting excited. She knew this witch! She had a crush on this witch!! "Bria!"

The witch looked over, smiling softly, sending a charming smirk her way, "If it isn't Luz Clawthorne. How'd you get here doofus? And I'm loving the new hair color." Bria walked over. "One second teacher."

"I was banished, h-how'd you get here Bria?"

"Fell out, taken in by a human, he's injured right now.."


"Poor Jacob, think a beast did a real bad number on him."

Luz tensed up, "O-Oh- How uh- Very unfortunate--"

Bria nodded, "Anyhow gorgeous," Bria teased, lifting Luz's chin up with her index finger. "Miss me?"

Luz began purring, her foot tapping on the floor, "Ah- Uhm-- Ha-" Luz's face heated up, the witch nervously swallowing. "N-No..-"

"Ah. Shame. I certainly missed you, Luz," Bria leaned in. "Especially at a certain time of the day.."

The class ooed, Luz lowering her head, humming nervously. "So teach, where am I sitting?"


"Luz I'm here- What's wrong-" Amity hopped off the staff, looking around, spotting her cloud. "Luz-?"

The witch jumped up, kissing the Blight. Amity pulled back, "Huh-"

Luz leaned back in, pressing up against the human. Luz wrapped her arms around Amity's neck, keeping her in the kiss. For two minutes. Luz pulled back, panting quietly, Amity being cherry faced. "Wha--?"

"An old friend came from the Isles-- I used to have a crush on her and I probably still do-- But I have you! And I love you!" Luz kissed Amity again. "I love you, I swear I really do- But she's flirting-- A-And I don't know how to make it stop-?"

Amity picked Luz up, the witch kissing Amity's face. "Cariño, it's okay for you to think other people are cute and all that," Amity sat down, leaning against the wall. "And almost every one goes with them, like how Noah did to me. But you won't, cause I know you."

Luz nodded, kissing Amity's nose, the human waiting a few seconds before going on. "Thank you for telling me Luz, I know I can trust you to tell me these things. Now, what did she say?"


"Amity! Amity slow down!" Luz pushed past the students. "Amity!"

"Not now, Luz. I have a witch to bury, alive." Amity hissed.

Luz slid past the group of leaving students, hissing quietly. "Hey- Please move--" Luz tried sliding by.

Tis Luz was too weak to push past them, and was pushed down herself. "Ouch- That hurt--" Luz shook her left hand, blowing lightly on the wound.

"I'M SORRY I'M SORRY!" The male screamed.

Luz glanced up, Amity pressing down on his neck, "Not to me inútil! To Luz!"

He choked, coughing, "Sorry- Luz-"

Amity let him go, rushing to Luz, "Are you okay?"

Luz shook her head slowly, blowing lightly on her bleeding wound. "Hey Doll, you alright?" Bria squat down, taking Luz's hand.

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now