The party. [19 part 2]

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Luz woke up fairly early, having made breakfast then quietly washed the dishes, took out the trash that included all the wrapping paper, and assorted bows. "Luz..?"

The witchling glanced down by her right, "Morning Soup, hungry?"

They pushed themselves up, picking up their glasses, putting them on and rubbing their eyes. "Actually yeah.."

Soup yawned, then groaned, "Got a headache?" Luz asked, going to the cabinets and opening them up.


Luz pulled out a pill bottle, placing it on the counter, "Take one, eat after." Luz said, going to the stairs.

Amity came down, stretching out as she did, "Morning.." She yawned.

Luz went down the hall a bit, Boscha's room door already opening, "Good morning to you all." Luz waved.

Ay yawned loudly, smacking his lips and sighing sharply. "Poor people do need beds. But back feels good. Floor do magic."

Amity went by Luz, Mattias coming over, getting on his hind legs and resting his front paws on Amity's shoulders. "Hey Amity!" He barked, licking her face, nuzzling her cheek before getting down and walking past with Prince. "Breakfast smells good."

As Luz was about to go after them, Soup called out to her, "HEY. YOU ARE UNDER THE MISTLETOE." Soup said sharply.

Luz looked up, "Looks like holly..What does a mistletoe do?"

Amity kissed Luz's cheek, patting her head then going over to the kitchen. "Breakfast ready..?"

"No no nooo!!" Soup whined. "It needs to be more passionate!! Amity for a popular girl you're an idiot."

"Thanks but all my stupidity returns to Amelia."

A knock on the door made the group hush up, the elders gathering in the kitchen to eat. Luz went over to the door, stepping over Logan, unlocking the door. She opened it, peeking out before it was pushed open, a dog rushing in. "So cold so cold so cold!"

"Gator! Hey buddy!" Luz cooed, opening the door. "Good morning Parks'. Nice Christmas?"

Willow nodded, shuffling in as she shivered, "Gator's having puppies.." Willow sighed quietly. "So cold.."

Her dad's came in, Luz closing and locking the door after they entered, only to open it again when someone else knocked. "Amelia? Skara what the– Geez..Come in, I'll get you guys some breakfast.."

Skara bolted in, sitting by Mattias who was currently trying to escape from the sandwich as he was in between Skara and Prince. "Thank you Luz.." Amelia shivered, taking off her beanie and jacket, hanging them up.

"Do I have to make a bubble around the house now??? I don't have space for this many people--" Luz mumbled, moving aside from the door.

Noah, Bo, Cat, Robin, Cory, Spencer, Alex, Emira, Edric, Odalia, Gary, Alador– GET OUT! Luz begrudgingly went to the back door, snapping and holding her hand out, Owlbert taking the open space. Luz opened the door, holding the staff out, making it levitate, then created a ball.

Luz held that glowing ball, feeling it slightly, then threw it up in the air. A yellow casing surrounded the house, Luz throwing a small fireball at the snow. It lit up, then burned out as it reached the fence. "Come out here, I'll bring breakfast out!" Luz exclaimed.

The humans all filed out, Alador and Ay moving the tables over, bringing the chairs out. Joey came over to Luz, hugging her tightly, "Open the weird bubble yeah? I have a date."

Luz kissed his cheek, "With Bailey?"


"Will you be safe outside?"


"Don't freeze?"

"I won't."

"Good luck Joey."

"Thank you." They said, kissing Luz's head before letting her go, heading back inside.

Luz went to the kitchen, turning the stove back on, "More ingredients down the drain.."


Who knew someone could have a burnout during winter! Luz stayed out in the snow, with just a thin jacket after cooking. She had to keep flipping over as she was actually on fire, having melted the ice everytime. She even cleaned the neighbors driveway.

Luz plopped down on the final free piece of snow, relaxing as this one had fluffy snow. She melted it partway before she went out. "I'm not cooking for the next week.." Luz groaned.

"Hey Luz?"

The witch glanced up, then layed her head back down. "Yes Amity..?"

"Uhm..I saw the cheese Christmas tree from last night, can you..Make some more..?"

Luz sighed, "Don't wanna.."

"..Then tell me why you wanted to stop sleeping with me?"

There goes the snow.."I uh.." Luz sighed and groaned. "Don't wanna.."

Amity went over, sitting by Luz on the grass. "Please?"


Awhile back, Amity had gotten nails again. But Luz was growing her hair out, Amity was constantly messing Luz's hair up, getting it tangled at night. So Luz, who grew tired of it, pushed herself away from Amity at night to not get her hair messy. Then Amity caught on when Luz spilled the beans with Bruce.

Then Luz started becoming the pillow. She loved being Amity's pillow, but, when the human was awake. When Amity fell asleep, she'd drool, and snore, snore loudly. Luz didn't like that very much. Tried using earplugs once, didn't work.

After explaining, Amity felt awful. This meant Luz wasn't getting enough sleep when Amity was near! "Did you even sleep last night!?"

Luz nodded. "I was under you that time, when you said you wouldn't hurt me, you were right. If you even yawned or snored, you'd kinda hit me, and probably end up suffocating me under the blanket–" Luz fumbled. "But yes I slept–"

"Is that it?"

Luz hummed, thinking about it for a quick– "You wake up too early!! I wait at least an hour for you to come back to bed but you never do. That's why I left early the other day. Because you were taking too long and I didn't feel like talking to you after."

"That why you're usually pretty grouchy in the morning?"

Luz nodded. "Yes."

"So do you even miss me?"

Luz nodded, "Yes."

"Are you still going to make the cheese Christmas tree?"

Luz shook her head, "No."


The witchling clapped, "Anyways!! It would be appreciated that you left in the next two hours and return on the new year or after because I am going back home for the holidays!"

"Wait what–"

Luz got up, walking back to the house, "My mother is feeling better, the Emperor granted Viney, Boscha and I access back home for a week, Camilla, Prince, and Nero are also coming so take care of the house. Okay? Bye bye."

  Wait I didn't agree to this– To be

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now