Fight fight fight fight fight! [8]

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Friday, break time. While Luz ate her snack, she spotted a human she hadn't seen in awhile. Luz put her stuff down, getting up, skipping over to the human. They spotted her, stopping in their tracks, "Hey, Luz, right?" The girl smiled slightly.

"Yep! Hey Ariyah! Have you settled in okay? Would you like to sit with us?" Luz asked, signaling to her group.

She shook her head, "A-Actually I'm heading to class, friends are waiting.."

"Are you sure? We're talking about our families and history if you'd like to.." Luz mumbled.

"I-I should get going- Thank you but I am quite alright-"

Luz nodded slowly, "Well if you ever want to hang out with us- You can just come over, we don't mind the new people! You'll be welcomed at any time, actually- Would you like my number?"

Ariyah spoke to herself quietly before she shrugged, "I guess-"

Luz nodded, "You just wait right there okay? I need to get a paper to write it down." Luz said, going back to her group.

Ariyah stayed put and hoped no one else talked to her- A heavy hand was placed on her shoulder, Ariyah flinching and jumping forward, "I'm sorry you can't- Mr.Smith..-"

"I've already told you to remove that head covering. Take. It. Off."

Ariyah shook her head slowly, "I keep it on for religious reasons sir- I-I can't take this off-"

He put his hand on her head, gripping her head covering, and pulled it off. A jacket was put over her right after, Ariyah adjusting how it was on, covering her hair. She couldn't see much, but she saw Mr.Smith on the floor. "Don't touch her!"

She moved the jacket a bit, spotting who she thought was Luz, but it was a male. He had dark skin, a prosthetic left arm, and a temple fade haircut. "Dillon Montes." Mr.Smith hissed. "Why am I not surprised?"

"Actually, Mr.Smith." Luz hissed, patting herself down. "He wasn't the one who pushed you."

She took the head covering back from him, a few girls coming over, just, random girls. They blocked anyone off from seeing Ariyah, Luz handing her covering back. "If I get suspended, it'll be for a good cause." Luz said, air patting Ariyah's head.

Luz went back to Mr.Smith, cracking her knuckles, Dillon, the male, pulling her back. "Actually, I think I want to take this one."

"Oh?" Luz hummed. "Why don't we share?"

He lightly laughed, "Men don't share."


"Dillon Montes, susp-"

"No." Luz cut in.

The principal scoffed, "What?"

Luz shook her head, wiping her bottom lip from the blood, the blood that wasn't hers. "Wasn't his fault Mr.Smith is a rotten human." Luz said, unzipping her bag from in between her feet.

She pulled out a file, tossing it on the desk, papers sliding out. Mr.Smith's file. The principal picked it up, and proceed to look through the file. What began as a simple parking ticket, progr- essively got worse. Charges against assault, from his wife, and many photos of him raising his hand at her.

The principal glanced up at Luz, the witchling glancing down at her bloodi- ed nails. "Ask no questions, I have my ways." Luz muttered, leaning her hand towards Dillons, offering him a wet wipe.

Dillon leaned back in his seat, "I did you a favor." He huffed, taking the wipe, cleaning his prosthetic. "I don't expect payment, only justice."

"Besides," Luz snapped. "He did have this in his pocket."

The door opened, a police officer coming in with a bag, full of snow? The principal drew back, suprised. "I have him in custody sir. He's going to jail for a year til a court date is assigned, unless you'd like to pay the fine."

The Principal shook his head slowly, "I rather not get involved..Both of you, back to class."

They both got up, and left. Once out of the lair, they fist bumped, "Let's go out for victory tacos." Dillon said, a bit too proudly.

"Yeah. We deserve it." Luz agreed. "I pay for first rounds?"

Dillion chuckled, "Yep, next one will be on me."


They went out to Paula's Tacos, Luz had brought (was forced to invite) two people, Dillion invited his little sister, Faith. She was..Fiesty to say the least. Faith, was only eight. "What the hell is taking the chefs so damn long!?"

"Fae Fae, they work hard and deal with annoying @$$ people for hours, be nice." Dillon hissed.

Faith humphed in her chair, pouting, "Tacos better be good.."

The male human from Luz's group snickered, "I like her."

"No one cares Noah Peed." Luz said quietly, being elbowed by the other human she brought.

"Don't make me laugh again."

"He won't know it's about himself." Luz muttered. "It's not like I actually said that to him."

Amity gently elbowed Luz again, the witchling glancing down at her hand, the human offering her a chocolate Kiss. Luz, a bit confused, took it. Amity made it look like she was about to whisper to Luz, but didn't, and instead kissed her cheek.

The witch froze, Amity taking the candy back because she actually did want to eat it. The waiter came over, placing the plate of fresh, hot, tacos in front of them, "Thank you for being patient, our chef had a cold and needed to go, so we remade the tacos."

Faith huffed, "Well I hope they feel better." She muttered.

Their waiter sighed heavily, standing upright, "Anyways, what else can I get for you?- Oh my, is she alright?" He asked, pointing to Luz.

The witchling lightly hit her head on the table a few times, mumbling to herself, "She's just glad we came." Amity teased, patting Luz's head.

The human gently nudged her, Faith scoffing, "Lie. She's gay and either she thought of something or you did it."

Luz glanced up at her, "Be quiet.."

"Oh hell no. You did not just tell me, Faith Nia Montes to be quiet." She hissed.

Luz stuck her tounge out at her, the waiter quickly leaving, "I did, but not rudely."

"Faith Montes ain't listening to a beach ball no more." She held her hand out to Luz, looking away.

Noah laughed, "Definitely like her."

Luz snarled, "HANDS UP YOU PEE-DOPHILE!" Luz shouted, standing up on the booth, pushing Noah down.

They both fell to the ground, Noah cussing her out while Luz gripped on to his shirt, shaking him violently. When Luz was about to punch him, she was pulled off and back. "Hey, hey, hey. No." Amity hissed, keeping Luz in a bear hug. "Absolutely not."

Luz snarled, trying to kick him, but she was picked up, "Luz! No! Bad!"

"Amilotl! Bite!"

Luz's bag fell off the booth, moving about, before Amilotl rushed out. It hissed, jumped, and bit Noah's nose. "THAT $--- MOVES!!" He screamed. "IT BIT ME- IT ------- HURTS!"

Faith pulled her huge phone out, and began recording, "This will make me rich!"

To be continued.

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now