Pets. Again. [34 part 2]

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Luz had quickly caught up and passed the boys, reaching the halfway mark when the last person crossed the start. Luz could hear the boys curse her out, but she was too far away to even make out their words. Three minutes was the time for Luz's first lap, her total time was five minutes, and fifty two seconds.

Ms.Upton was impressed, and said if Luz did another mile, she'll give Luz extra credit of ten points. Luz agreed and ran with Amity, her time being seven minutes, twenty nine seconds. Full credit. Luz did her next lap by herself, getting ten points plus the ten extra credit for today.

Amity was very proud of Luz, giving her pets til the class finished. With the time remaining of thirteen minutes, Luz took that time to sleep because she used a bit of magic to tie one of the boys laces together. "Alright! Back to the locker rooms!" Ms.Upton called out.

"Luz, wake up." Amity gently shook the witch.


Amity got up, "Okay, I'm leaving you here then..Alllll by yourself~"

Luz shot up, grabbing on to Amity's arm, "Let's go-"


Luz's new schedule, here you have it.

1st period: English 10 with Henry Parkinson.

2nd period: P.E with Rachel Upton.

3rd period: Mathematics with John Ritler.

4th period: Agriculture with Kelly Nelson.

5th period: Spanish 2 with Guadalupe Hernandez.

6th period: ASB with Lucy Willis and Hamster.

Third period was alright, the teacher did answer Luz's questions, fourth period was the class Luz was most excited for. Luz called home, telling Prince to let Honey come to school with Lucky, so that is what in fact happened.

Kelly, er- Mrs.Nelson asked the class if they had any extraordinary pets of their own, and Luz, being herself, said yes! And right on time, Honey hopped over the fence with Lucky on her back. "This is Honey! She's a grizzly, just had her first cub." Luz hugged the bears muzzle.

Honey picked Luz up with her snout, the witch giggiling, being put down carefully. "Extraordinary.." Mrs.Nelson finally blurted out. "Does she follow your instructions?"

"When she wants to yes. She's far older than me, but not stronger." Luz held her arms out.

Lucky jumped in to her grasp, yipping, his little tail wagging, "Arf!"

"Prince shouldn't be teaching you to holler Lucky.." Luz placed the cub on his mother's head.

Mrs.Nelson stepped forward, "She's not stronger then you?"

Luz nodded, "I've tackled a tiger, he weighs around 216. Honey weighs less then that since she gave birth recently, Amity can tackle Honey too though."

"Don't talk about that. It was greatly embarrassing." Honey snarled.

"Embarrassing!" Lucky yipped.

Mrs.Nelson held her hand out, Honey hesitantly sniffing it, nuzzling it. "She smells amazing. Is that goat?" Honey licked Mrs.Nelson's palm.

"Is this the largest animal you have?" Mrs.Nelson asked. "Since Tigers are smaller then bears, I know your tiger is heavier but is Honey your largest?"

Luz hummed, "I have a Griffin in my home, but here my largest is in fact Honey. I was going to say Jasmine but I realized she's smaller than Honey and Bruce."

Mrs.Nelson rose a brow, "Who are Jasmine and Bruce?"

"Bruce is the tiger, he's not mine but he comes everywhere with me if his owner is in town. Jasmine is Ay's soon to be Amur Leopard. She was going to be turned in to coat before Ay said he wanted her alive, she's arriving in two days and I have to make her feel safe before she hurts someone or herself." Luz explained.

Mrs.Nelson carefully pat Honey's head, the bear huffing, sitting, "How old is Jasmine?"

"Turning one in spring." Luz waved the students over. "Lucky loves being pet, want to try?"


"Taking the bear?" Soup asked.

Luz nodded, hopping on Honey's back, the bear asking for a pet before getting ready. "Want to come? I'm going to make lunch."

Soup ooed, kissing Logan goodbye and getting on Honey, patting her side. "Such a good momma bear."

Lucky yawned, climbing up Soup's shoulder, falling in to their grasp. "I'll see you tomorrow Soup, call me if you need anything okay?" Logan smiled softly.

"I will. Come on Luz, I'm craving whatever you make."

Luz waved, patting Honey's side, the bear rushing forward.


The front door opened, Amity coming in, shaking the light snow off her hair, looking up. She dropped her keys, (Camilla did in fact give them to her, Amity didn't steal), quietly closing the door. "Uh- Hi-" Soup nervously smiled.

Amity picked her keys up, then slowly put her bag and keys on the hooks, glaring at Soup. "That's..My girlfriend..Soup.." Amity hissed.

"Yes I know- S-She was just tired and wanted to wait for you- She made you Calzones! They're in the oven-" Soup swallowed, hesitantly bringing their spoon up and eating the rice.

Amity ever so quietly walked over to them, carefully picking Luz up, the witchling purring quietly. "I'm home.." Amity said softly.

"Hi Amity.." Luz said tiredly. "Lunch is ready.."

The human glared back at Soup before going upstairs to Luz's room, placing the witch on the bed. "Thank you Luz, I'll eat right now okay? Then we can work on that project of yours hm?"

Luz nodded slowly, "Mhm.."

Amity kissed Luz's forehead, "Rest for now, I'll be done in a bit."

The witchling relaxed, her purrs slowly growing, "Okay.."

*Sniff* I'm so singleeee

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now