Spencer and Alex had bothered Christine, buying six froyo's with absurd toppings and giving them out. Then Soup had joined, because they too were on a date to get froyo's. "I know you." Spencer pointed to Logan, humming as he tried to- "OH! YOU'RE THAT SOCCER PLAYER WHO I USED TO HAVE A CRUSH ON!""WHAT!?" Alex exclaimed, nearly dropping his froyo.
"Yep." Logan nodded as he recalled the time Spencer asked him out.
"Who wouldn't?" Soup cooed, taking Logan's hand.
He kissed Soup's head, making the enby nervous. "You had a crush on him..?" Alex whimpered.
"Yah. In like. Middle school." Spencer nodded. "Don't worry, I never got with him because he had a girlfriend and he is super loyal. Soup, my friend, you have a very reliable partner."
Logan kissed Soup's face multiple times, making them utterly nervous, how ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! In an open space? No! "Ew! Bunch of f-----s in the mall!" A girl exclaimed to her boyfriend. "And a weird, what are you, a genderless freak?! Gross!!"
Logan kissed Soup's head, nudging them to Spencer, and going towards the girl. "Care to run that by me again?"
She stuck her tounge out, then gagged dramatically. "Get out of here! Nobody wants you to spread your gayness!" The male shouted.
Logan paused, "Hey I know you! I saw you at the gay kids bar! That guy you were kissing, he's a keeper. Definitely. He doesn't like sweets, settle with sour." Logan waved his hand.
The male went pale, his girlfriend gasping, "So he's just a friend?!"
"Babe he's your brother- You're both f--king hot-"
"Save it smalls! It's over." She waved her hand back, stomping past.
The male cursed to Logan quietly, then rushed after her, Logan going back to his lovely person. "Mm..I love you.." Logan hummed, wrapping his arms around Soup's chest from behind.
"Wha- Me-" Soup nervously swallowed. "L-Love you too-"
Logan scooped Soup up, the enby yelping and being taken away. "Later gays!" Logan exclaimed.
"Bye!" Spencer waved.
"Screw you!" Alex called to him. "See ya!"
"Hey, let's go annoy homophobes." Spencer suggested. "It'll be so much fun-"
Alex stumbled over nothing, having dropped a bunch of cards from up his sleeve, "Oh crap- These were all my cards for responses to homophobes- Help me pick them up-"
Spencer chuckled, picking up the cards, "I knew I loved you so much for a reason."
Seventeen hickeys later, their mission was complete. Spencer gave many hickeys to Alex in public in front of three homophobe oldies, six adults, thirteen teens, and one kid who just followed mom's instructions. "You didn't have to give me that extra one Spence." Alex muttered, adding some foundation on his neck.
"You act all innocent, but you aren't." Spencer said, adjusting his jacket. "Do I look gay enough?"
Alex examined his boyfriend, then looked back in to the bathroom mirror, adding more foundation. "I didn't even think you were gay when we met." Alex said sarcastically.
"Babe, I was wearing pride shirts every day corresponding to the pride month no matter what."
Alex lightly scoffed, "You wore the agender flag on St. Patrick's day. Oh frick this one hurts-"

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5
FanfictionMaxed out on parts in first one, welcome, to the 1.5 book, of Weirdos Stick Together. Glad to have you back readers, but let's get right in to the description. EPISODES 1-80 WRITTEN BEFORE SEASON 2B Luz Clawthorne, a witchling, banished from her wo...