Schedules. [34]

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Amity en ded up going home when Luz fell asleep, thankfully Odalia was out of town for the time being so Amity could rest peacefully. The next morning, school was back on. It was Friday, January 28th. When the students saw Amity Blight, with hickeys, they immediately questioned her. "Who gave it to you?"

"Was it Noah?"

"They broke up you idiot!"

"Was it Luz??"

"How many do you have?"

"Did it feel nice?"

"Cheer's been cancelled!"

"How many hickeys did you get?"

A girl screamed and jumped back, starting a chain reaction, students backing away from Amity. The copperhead snake hissed, nipping at people's shoes before retreating to Amity. "Luz, what did I tell you about using magic at school?" Amity sighed, holding her hand out to it.

The copperhead slithered around Amity's wrist, going up her arm to her shoulder, hissing quietly. "Turn back before Pierre comes and takes you."

It curled up, then jumped, a puff of purple smoke surrounding it, Luz stabilizing herself. "Snake!" Pierre rattled, facing Luz as he got on Amity's shoulder. "Snakeeee!!"

Luz hissed at him, Pierre bobbing his head up and down, cooing. Luz stuck her tounge out at the crow, Pierre mocking her quietly. "Brat!" Luz hissed, swatting at the crow.

Pierre jumped up, "Kekekekeke-" He bobbed his head up and down before ruffling Luz's hair and flying off.

The witch hissed, hiding by Amity, the Blight rubbing her shoulder. "Okay. Who said Cheer was cancelled?" Amity looked in to the crowd.

A male was pushed forward, "Brian." Amity murmured. "Did the teacher cancel for today?"

He swallowed. "For the semester.."

"How come."

Brian scratched the back of his neck, swallowing again. "She uhm..Moved out state for awhile to visit her mom who uh..Won't make it through.." He cleared his throat. "Chemo.."

Amity drew back, "..Well..Let's go to the office..Change our schedules and call her.."

The students murmured amongst eachother, Brian, Luz, and Amity walking to the office. The woman there noticed right away, getting up with a paper, "Here are your choices. Luz, new schedule. Here." She got another paper, offering it to Luz.

The witch took it, reading the new classes. "Other side of campus? Then I won't get to see Amity.." Luz mumbled.

Amity looked over, taking Luz's paper and reading it, "Why? I'm her emotional support human, you can't do this."

The woman sighed, "These are the only teachers who agreed to take Luz. None of her old teachers wanted to, and if they don't want to, she won't learn. Luz will fail the semester and have to retake the year if she doesn't get teachers that are willing to care for her."

Luz shrugged, "It's okay. Agriculture sounds fun, I'll bring Honey. She'll be pampered alot there I already know." Luz folded the paper neatly. "Where can I get my P.E clothes?"


"And this..Is your locker." The P.E teacher handed Luz a lock, opening up her locker.

"Thank you. What's my number?"

She checked her attendance sheet, using her finger to see where she could find.."Noceda, thirty-six."

"And, me?" Amity questioned.

The teacher went back up, humming quietly as she found, "Blight, four."

"Too far. Change it." Amity hissed.

"Listen kid. I don't give a ---- if your family is rich or not. They could fire me from my job or screw with my life, but this is my class. You're four. If you're not on your number in seven minutes, I'll make this class a living hell for you." She smiled sweetly. "Are we clear?"

Amity glared at the teacher, "No. We aren't."

"Excuse me?"


Luz roughly punched Amity's arm, making the human wince. "Amity Blight, go dress out this instant before the last thing you see is a clipboard!" Luz barked.

"Empty threat."

Luz took the teachers clipboard, handing the papers to her, then Luz cracked the clipboard on her locker. "Amity. Now."

The human huffed, "Fine.." Amity groaned, begrudgingly going to round the corner to find herself a lock.

"I'll pay for a new one.." Luz said quietly, picking up the broken piece.

The teacher sighed, "I got it. Just keep up with the class Noceda. And keep her in line before I do."


"Okay class! Might be the second day back but we're getting rid of all the chips you had over the break!" The male teacher, who is named Peter Katona, exclaimed.

The female teacher who was willing to get Amity in line is named Rachel Upton. There's another P.E teacher but he's out today, his sub was a man named Mr.SubstituteTeacherMan. He didn't know much about P.E, only that he had to do what the teachers told him to.

Ms.Upton whistled, "Listen up! Today we're doing the mile! To the track!"

The students groaned, many of the boys running past the teachers to go to the football field where the track was at. When all the students arrived, the teacher explained the rules. "Under six minutes boys, extra credit. Under nine minutes ladies, extra credit. Fifteen minutes or over is an F for all of you-" Luz raised her hand. "Yes?"

"How many laps is a mile?"


Luz nodded slowly. "And if we make it under six minutes?"

"Well I'd be impressed first of all. No magic kid, I'm no idiot."

Luz shook her head, "I never cheat."

Ms.Upton hummed, the whistled. "On the line dirtbags!"

Few boys got on the line, Luz joining them up in front. "Think you can get under six girly?" One teased.

"Like to see you try!"

"Think you can even keep up?"

Luz rose a brow, "Can you?"


Luz rolled her eyes, her ears perking up. The whistle blew, Luz deciding to let the boys get a head start. Five seconds. After all, a little chase wouldn't hurt.

To be caught soon!

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now