Unpopular opinion, but what? [14 part 2]

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When Luz and Amity got to school, people were surrounding them. "Luz we saw how cool you were!" One began. "Was that you fighting that cool beast?!"

"What?" The witch backed up, hiding behind Amity. "What did I do??"

"In Mexico! We saw you! That was you correct?" Another pried.

Luz yelped, someone having poked her side, the witch going in front of Amity. "That was so brave!"

"Has anyone asked you to the dance yet?"

"We're sorry!"

"Can we hang out?"

Amity pat Luz's head, "Sorry, you have to handle this yourself--"

Luz froze. "Wait what--"

Amity stepped out of the circle of the new fan people, Luz trying not to be touched. Luz stomped her foot down, a ring of ice surrounding her, Luz climbing up it, taking a step forward. It made a pedestal, so Luz took another, that made a a path.

The students awhed, Luz cautiously walking on it. She kept going until she reached her first class, jumping down and quickly entering, closing and locking the door. She sighed heavily in relief, Luz falling back on the carpet. Can we get a refund? This witch has run out of magic.


Luz woke up when class started, but then she realized something. She needed to get Amity a weapon! Luz raised her hand, the substitute ignoring her, the witchling holding her hand up for at least ten minutes.

Amity finally had enough, and raised her hand. "Yes Ms.Blight?"

"Luz what do you need?" Amity asked her.

"I need to go get something–"

"No." The substitute interrupted, scribbling something down on the board. "Pay attention."

Luz huffed, leaning back in her chair, crossing her arms. "Amity would let me go.." She grumbled.

"Yeahhh..But I'm not in charge of you dingus." The Blight chimed in.

"You used to be. Then you got Mister bladder issues." Luz hissed.

Amity lightly scoffed, covering her mouth, "I shouldn't be laughing at this--"

"He's not here, he won't know. Mr.Wolkerson says it's okay."

The students murmured amongst one another, few being suprised Luz knew Ay, the sourest old man that had green, others confused on why Luz and Amity were bickering like a couple. It was gross, yet kinda cute. "He's such a bad influence on you, he's taught you such mean words in German."

"Dummkopf isn't a mean word!" Luz argued back. "Besides. He already called Noah an arsch mit ohren."

Amity mumbled to herself, trying to recall what that.."Luz!"

"Mr.Wolkerson said it! I'm just telling you!" Luz defended.

"You're not supposed to know curse words you moron!" Amity shouted, throwing her crumbled note paper at Luz. "Boscha's going to kill me!"

"She wouldn't! I know her too well, she'll just run to Willow and start ranting!"

Amity ripped another blank page out of her notebook, crumbling it, and throwing it Luz. "She'll kill me after!"

Luz unraveled the paper, writing in it, and throwing it back at Amity. The human begrudgingly unwrapped it, "No she won't! –Luz"

Amity threw at Luz's face, the witch catching it and throwing it back. Amity had her glasses on, so it didn't really hurt her when it hit her face. "Raise your hand if Luz should go to a corner of shame." Amity said as she rose her hand.

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now