You little snitch- [23 part 2]

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Luz had grounded Prince, giving him a lesson on why he should listen the first time and removed the cheese from the fridge temporarily. Then, Luz got a scroll call. "Hello?"

"So how was it..?" Viney asked.

"How was what?" Luz questioned. 'What is going on?'

Viney hesitated, "Visiting your dad.."

"It was uhm..Okay..He didn't hurt me this time.." Luz mumbled, recalling that one day of the year she'd do what she dreaded most. "He was calm..Said a few questionable words..Then I left. Thank you for checking in on me, I'll see you later."

Viney hummed, "Bye Luz, see you later.."

Luz hung up, shakily sighing, slowly gripping her side. I-Instead of dealing with Luz crying- Let's go with Amity! I'm not changing my mind this time so let's go with her- "Mom please stop you're hurting her!" Amity exclaimed, trying to take Ghost back.

Odalia hit Amity's hand back, gently squeezing Ghosts neck, making the palisman reflectively gag and spit. Alador caught it in a little plate, gently placing it down, "Dad give her back!" Amity shouted.

Alador glanced up at Odalia, then nodded, Odalia dropping Ghost. Amity moved her mother aside, catching her companion, holding her close. Ghost let out a small hiss, moving its paws up to Amity's chest, nuzzling her cheek. "Go back to your room, we've done what we've needed." Odalia said.

Amity stepped back, quickly going up the stairs, opening and closing the basement doors. "We have to go. I don't want you getting hurt.." Amity mumbled, carefully rubbing Ghost's back.

This is worse actually, can we go back to Luz? Please? Yes? No?? But this is sad and I don't like- FINE! "You okay Ghost..?" Amity asked quietly.

The Palisman mewed quietly, purring silently. "Let's get you something to eat then we leave, we're going to Luz's house okay?"


'Knock Knock' Who's there? Just kidding this is serious- Luz wiped her face from the flour, putting down the cup and heading to the front door. She unlocked and opened it, closing the door in an instant. "H-Hey Amity-" Luz blurted out.

"Uh-? Hey..? Can you- Let me in?" Amity knocked on the door lightly.

"Nope- Can't-"

"It's about my palisman.."

Luz paused, then hesitantly opened the door. "What's wrong with her?"

"Well, I don't know how to use her first of all..And I don't know how to care for her.."

Luz sighed, "Let me finish dinner, then I'll help.."


The witchling placed a tray on her little coffee table, sitting down, "First things first, what's your palisman's name?" Luz asked, summoning a checklist.

Amity woke up her Palisman, letting her get on the table, "Ghost."

The kitten perked up, looking up at Amity before she leaned down and licked the water in a bowl. "When'd you get her?" Luz asked, scribbling something down.


Luz slowly wrote that down as she reprocessed yesterday. "Right..Did you learn anything about Ghost?"

"Well she acts like any other cat, bring back animals alive or dead, spit up hairballs and pretend I don't know, scratch things, she likes to bite, alot." Amity said, gently scratching behind Ghosts ear.

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now