Dinner. [39 part 2]

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Luz stayed over for a little while as she needed to do her homework, then she went to the grocery store. "Two tomatoes.." Luz folded her list neatly, turning right, going down the isle to the back. "Here we are."

The witchling picked one up, rolling it around her palm, giving it a small squeeze. Good. Luz found another without a bruise, gentle squeeze, no too soft. Luz picked another, this one was good too. "Chillies.." Luz looked around. "Cherry!"


Luz skipped over, "Hi Cheryl!"

"Luz! Hey kid." Cheryl smiled, patting Luz's head. "Been awhile hm?"

Luz nodded. "How have you beeen~?"

"I've been perfect, thank you for asking Luz. How have youuu been?"

Luz giggled. "I've been amazingggg~"

"Since Amity's been your girlfriend?"


Cheryl placed the box down, "Where is she anyways?"

"Home. I needed to get ingredients for tonight's pasta." Luz explained. "Would you like to join?"

Cheryl checked her wrist. "Yeah sure, I get off in a bit."

"Cherry where do these go again?" Grace asked, holding up a little bag of cookies.

Cheryl looked over, "Thirteen, second shelf."

Grace nodded, moving her hair back, "Hey Luz!"

"Graceee!~" Luz smiled. "How have you been?~"

"Great thanks for asking! Venom and I are going to the park later, want to come?"

Luz shook her head, "Cheryl's coming over for dinner!"

"Oh! Maybe Venom would like that better hm?" Grace smiled.

Luz shrugged. "I'll make him something too! Just be over by six okay?"

Both women nodded. "See you then Luz!"


Luz opened the door, peeking out, then looking down. "Hey Venom!" Luz smiled. "Just you?"

"Just me." He nodded, walking in, feeling his palms. "Uh- Grace couldn't make it, neither could Cheryl. They're uhm..Playing." He smiled shyly.

Luz let him in, "They could've played with us, I have a lot of boardgames!"

"I uh- Don't think the game is for you Luz.."

"Oh, okay! Monopolize isn't for every- one. Well, I made dinner, want some?"

Venom nodded, "Sure! Grace only told me we were supposed to come but I didn't know we were eating!" His tail wagged slowly. "I'm starving!"

Luz pat his head, smiling down at him while she led the way to the kitchen. "I'll let you serve some yourself, I'm going to get Prince and Nero."

Venom nodded, getting a plate from the cupboards, Luz walking to the pets room, Prince and Nero rushing out when they heard her say; "Hey I just fin-"

Prince sniffed the air, his tail wagging swiftly, Nero hopping on to the counter on to Venom's shoulder. "All right!" Nero meowed. "Smells so good!"

"Right? Amazingggg~" Prince howled.

Venom got himself some, placing his meal down, getting off the counter, carefully taking his plate and going to the table. He took Prince and Nero's bowls, retreating to the stove, hopping on the counter, serving them food. Luz took it, placing it down, helping Venom down as well.

Luz pat his head, going to the back door, opening it. "What is she doing?" Venom asked, hopping on the chair.

"Well, earlier." Prince slurped up the spaghetti. "Luz was at the hospital for being left out in the night after getting bit by a wolf." Prince chomped loudly. "But Luz forgave it and is going to go check on her. This is so good!"

Nero coughed out a hairball, starting on his meal. "Prince don't eat it." Nero purred, slurping up a spaghetto.

Luz came back in, getting Prince's extra bowl, getting some spaghetti in, walking back out. After a minute or two, Luz returned, closing the door, "I have to go make a call, if you want more spaghetti you can get as much as you want as long as you share."

"Would you like us to leave you some Luz?" Venom asked, twirling his fork, picking it up and eating the spaghetti off it.

The witch nodded, "A bowl would be fine, if someone knocks, Prince?"

"I check and open it if I know who it is!" He barked, chasing his bowl, licking up the remaining spaghetti. "Venom help!"

"On it!"


Luz ate about an hour later, calling Amity to say goodnight and ask about Pierre since neither have seen him for a good time, but he hasn't returned yet. Luz then called Grace, the woman sounding a bit panicked at the time cause she kept on letting out cries?

The witchling asked no questions, Grace knew she could go to Luz if she needed anything. Venom was going to stay the night, Camilla would be at school- Hm? Why's Camilla at school? Well, she's going back to college. Luz insisted she'd provide the money, food, care, and everything to keep a house going.

Camilla wanted to become a doctor, for humans. Camilla had the brains for it, so she's going back to College to work up to her degree. Every Monday and Thursday she'd be at school all day, the other days would be reading, studying, crying about school being super hard, or sleeping.

Thankfully, the Noceda still made time for Luz by going out to eat almost every Saturday. Anyways! Luz was working on her nest for most of the night, she had put it in her room, moving her bed out to her basement. Venom let out a small growl, Luz rubbing his side, "Shh.."

Venom relaxed, letting out a click, Luz pulling her hand back. She twirled the stick with her fingers, weaving it around the rim. "Hm. I think I've done it!"

Prince and Nero shuffled, Luz quickly covering her mouth. "Oops."

To be continued!

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now