Sleep now, talk later. [6]

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First period, Wednesday. A project was assigned. "Whichever name you pick out will be the name you spell yours with. You will make the shape of your letter, and fill it out with using the name of your person." Mr.Smith said, going around the room, holding out a bin.

Amity reached in, taking a note, Luz taking one, Mr.Smith going down the lanes. Amity unravelled hers, hissing with her teeth, "Do we have to work with them-?" Amity asked.

"No. But you have to sit with them." Mr.Smith said, returning to the front.

Amity slammed her head on the table multiple times in a row, Luz getting her things, "Good luck." Luz said, patting her head, then going to the back. "Danny! Let's go sit!"

He looked up, the rest of the students groaning, "Damnit I wanted Luz.." One muttered, getting up.

"I've never hated a nerd so much.." Another murmured.

"Damn you Danny!"

Amity shot up, going over to Luz in a hurry, the witchling taking Danny to the back. "Luz- Luz kill me now-" Amity muttered. "I don't want to go with them-"

"I don't like Carl either Amity, but the rules are the rules."

"You didn't listen to the rules in fifth period during that movie." Amity hissed.

Luz took a chocolate Kiss out of her pocket from her overalls, letting go of Danny's hand, taking Amity's. She opened up her palm, putting the candy on it, closing Amity's hand around it. Luz kissed her knuckles, then pushed her back gently, "Go with Carl."

Amity nodded slowly, took a deep breath, and went to the weirdo. She sat by him, "Talk to me and I'll knock your teeth out." Amity said, letting her bag fall to her side. "Touch me and I'll show you real pain. Okay?"

Carl dreamily sighed, "Yes my love~"


Luz raised her hand, Mr.Smith glancing up from his book, "What?"

"Do we have to color it or..?"

He shrugged, "However you'd like it."

Luz nodded, looking back down at her paper with her and Danny's name on it. "Danny, what's your favorite color?" Luz asked.

"Purple.." He said quietly.

"I like that color too, any specific type?" Luz asked, digging through her bag, pulling out her pen case.

She opened it, searching through it, pulling out four different shades of purple. "Maybe you can try and use them all." He suggested.

Luz ooed, "That is a great idea. You can use them too if you'd like." Luz spoke, sliding over the small pouch. "I don't mind, as long as you put the caps back on."

Danny nodded, "What's your favorite color, Luz?" He asked.


Danny looked through the pouch, pulling out two shades of yellow, and one of yellow green. "Got it."

Amity had finished already. She had colored it, drawn something on it, and turned it in. Mr.Smith had already checked it. She got 98%. She wrote Luz's name instead of Carl's. Mr.Smith let her off with a warning, but since she still completed the assignment, she was given credit.

Right now, Amity was sitting by Luz, half asleep. She was still pretty sick, but wore a mask to keep from getting the others sick. "Go to sleep Amity, I can take care of you." Luz said, booping her forehead.

Amity drew back, Luz patting her head. "I'll be fine.."

"You shouldn't have even come today Amity, you need rest. And to stay hydrated, want some of my water-"

"Give it to me." Amity stated.

Luz reached down in to her bag, un- clipping her bottle from her bag, pulling back and offering it to Amity. "Want to drink some before I do?"

The witchling shook her head, "I'm alright, I can get a water at lunch later."

Amity nodded, opening up the bottle, sitting up, and drinking some water. "I started on a beef bread bowl for you, so come over today so you can eat. Camilla got sick as well, so you're in the same boat."

"How'd she get sick?" Amity asked, wiping her mouth, putting her mask back up, closing the bottle.

"She said a patient was sneezing ever- ywhere during tests. She got sick bec- ause the person she specifically told to clean the room, didn't. The germs got everywhere and she got sick." Luz said, uncapping a pen. "Thankfully I took medicine this morning to be safe."

Amity rested her head in her arms, making sure her glasses were still on her desk, "Wake me up before class ends.."

"Will do buckerroo."

"..On second thought, kill me when it does."


Amity was not woken up when class ended. Instead, she was carried there by Noah, who Luz brought over, and then proceeded to kick his @$$ when he tried kissing the sleepy human. He now had, a half healed black eye, a sore rear end, and an ice pack where a man should not have one.

Ask no questions, just keep reading. When Amity did wake up, it was in the middle of cheer class. She had a blanket over herself, a chocolate Kiss in her lap, her stuff right by her, her glasses on her head, and her mask still up. Amity rubbed her eyes, pulling her glasses down, looking around.

She stretched out, adjusting how she leaned against the wall, then fixed her glasses. "Morning sleepyhead," Skara said, helping Amelia off the pyramid. "Feel better?"

Amity nodded slowly, rubbing her eyes from under her glasses, "Needed that..But could sleep again.."

Skara went over, Amelia lingering behind, "Noah went home by the way, Luz kicked his @$$."

Amity picked up the chocolate kiss, unraveling it, "Why?" She asked, pulling her mask down, putting her candy in her mouth, then putting her mask back up.

She adjusted her glasses over it, then carefully got up. "He tried to kiss you when you were asleep." Skara said, taking the blanket from her, folding it neatly. "Then Luz kissed your head when you were asleep. So you can understand my confusion."

Amity crumbled the foil in her hand, shaking her head, "Luz started a thing with me. At least I think so. Started yesterday. She gave me a Smershey's Kiss, then kissed my head, so I'm going to assume this is her new consent before kiss thing."

Skara put the blanket over Amity's arm, picking up her things, handing them to her. "K. But Luz wants to talk."

Amity nodded, putting her bag over her shoulder, waving at the teacher, and heading to the door. She pulled it open, slipping out, heading down the hall and to the next door. Heave ho! Heave- It's locked. Amity lightly knocked on it, the door clicking, being pulled open.

A small male peeked out, "Agustus, Luz wanted to talk?"

He nodded, pulling back, "Yes she did, she just left to the bathroom though. You can wait here for her."

Amity hummed, entering the room, going over to a chair, sitting down. She leaned her head back, sighing, slowly dozing back off again..

To be continued.

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now