Barking Up The Wrong Tree? [63]

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March 8th, Tuesday.

Luz showed up at the park she knew she had her first date at, seeing Amity reading a book. The witch walked over ever so quietly, Amity closing the book, moving it aside, holding her arms out. Luz sat in her lap, hugging the human, "Super pretty human.." Luz said softly.

"Thank you Luz. I think you look gorgeous." Amity kissed Luz's cheek. "Glad you could make it.."

Luz wrapped the blanket around Amity, kissing the human's face. "I love you Amity..I wish humans were as nice as you.."

"I love you too Luz, and the world would be oh so lucky to be like me." Amity briefly kissed Luz. "I brought your favorite~"

Luz gasped quietly, "French toast--"

"Always Cariño." Amity hummed proudly, giving Luz another kiss.

"I know you told me only to bring myself and a blanket, but I too made your favorite." Luz drew a medium sized circle, a basket popping out, still hot. "Was on short notice, couldn't buy the right cheese, so I had to use a substitute.."

Amity placed the basket by her side, pushing Luz down on to the flannel blanket. "Everything you make I love, Luz, you made me calzones. I am ever so grateful that you are the love of my life."

"Awh~" Luz cooed. "I love you human, you're my favorite~ Now come on, before the food cools, let's eat!"


After dinner, they moved to dessert, after that, they danced under the waxing gibbous moon, cuddled for a bit before they gazed at the stars. They talked about what would happen if the portal was open, how Luz or Amity would visit one another when the witch went home.

They settled upon staying a week each month, Luz takes even months, Amity takes odds, cause only Luz deserves perfection apparently. On major holidays, they'd spend the morning on the Isles, after two p.m, they'd go to Earth.

Then, it became late, and they both fell asleep at the park after Amity practiced getting magic from weeds and small mushrooms.

As the sun rose that morning, Amity felt, small, when she awoke. She felt, shorter than Luz? And Mattias. But definitely bigger than Nero. Amity sat up, scratching her neck, glancing to her left. "WHAT THE F--K-" Amity scrambled away from what she thought to be herself.

Amity glanced down, spinning around, "Luz- Luz where-" Amity walked forward, jumping back when she felt something soft.


"Luz-" Amity looked down. "Awh- So cute--"

The bunny wiped her nose, looking up at- "A maltipoo..?"

"Babe-- You're so cute--" Amity licked her cheek, nuzzling her. "And so so soft~"

Luz was light purple, with emerald green eyes, and white poofy fur on her head with ears to match. Amity, was a blonde Maltipoo with her usual light blue eyes, but her tail was a bright pink. "Luz, I'm twenty percent sure you cursed us."

"You did..If it was my curse..You'd be bipedal..Have thumbs..And kind of be like your human word called furry.." Luz yawned, stretching. "We're full.."

Amity huffed, sliding under Luz, standing back up. "Right, can we still use magic?"

Luz nodded, sitting up on Amity's back. "You know how dogs dig holes?"


"Push all the stuff in there, and spit. Should make everything go in your space.."

Amity went to a clean patch of grass, sitting, letting Luz slide off her back before she went over to the tree. She dug a hole by it, about a foot and a half deep. Amity nudged everything inside, taking a few minutes sure, but when she got everything in, she stuck her tounge out over it.

"What are you doing?" Luz asked.

"Dwogs cwan't squit." Amity mumbled as she lowered her head, her drool dripping over the stuff.

*Dogs can't spit

It engulfed in fire, then disappeared. Amity shook herself, stretching out and trotting over to Luz. "Come on, let's find out way back. Be my eyes?"

Luz scratched her neck, fluffing up, the bunny flipping over to scratch her chin. "Just a sec-- Super itchy--"

Amity went over, gently biting the bunny where she was scratching, then pulled back. "Better?"

"Missed it--" Luz used her front paw to scratch herself. "Stupid tiny paws!"

Amity nibbled over the itch, Luz scampering about when Amity had accidentally tugged at her fur. Luz squeaked loudly, jumping in to the hole. "Sorry-- Luz--"

"Ouch ouch ouch!" Luz popped out of a different hole, a small turnip in her mouth. "Mean doggie!"

"Luz. Be serious. We need to go-"

The bunny ate the turnip, rushing to Amity, climbing on her back, resting her head on the Maltipoo. "Straight!"

"Luz, I told you we aren't allowed to use that word." Amity muttered.

"Opposite of gay!"

"Thank you." Amity walked forward, going down the small hill. "Then where?"

"I have no idea!"

"But we'll figure it out, right?"




Amity looked both ways, crossing the street. "..Any guesses?"

To hope to be found.

Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now