Distracted. [17 part 3]

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"NOT THAT!" Noah exclaimed, taking Amity back to the side. "You ask her to dance with you in the ball room."

"That's what I asked wasn't it-?"

Noah facepalmed, "Amity. You asked Luz if you could give her. A bug bite. YOU ASKED IF YOU COULD GIVE HER A HICKEY!" He whisper shouted.


Noah covered her mouth, "Plan B. Do that one trend with her."

Amity paused, trying to recall the next backup plan. "Okay--"

Noah spun her around, pushing her back towards Luz, making Amity hold her hand out. "Okay Luz, wrong answers only." Noah said for her.

The witchling drew a small circle, a little object coming out, Luz getting down on one knee and holding out the object. "Ta-Da?" Luz mumbled.

A ring. Luz just offered Amity, a silver ring, with her name in Spanish on it. "Oh that's actually really pretty-" He ooed.

Amity staggered back in to his grasp, her face quickly heating up, "It is isn't it? I got it in Mexico." Luz said, getting up, showing it to Noah.

He awhed, "How'd you know Amity's ring size?" He asked.

"I asked Emira." Luz said, taking the humans hand, sliding it up Amity's ring finger. "Ta-Da! Since your name means friendship, I got that for you since we're friends."

Noah facepalmed, Amity sighing quietly in relief. "Noah I thought I died for a second-"

"I wish I was..Okay! Luz, Amity's just wondering, if you would like to da-"

'Coco's calling! Coco's calling!' Luz's phone rang. "Oh, give me a sec, Cory's calling." Luz said, pulling her phone out from her pocket, answering the call. "Hey Cory! Is there something wrong?"

"Nothing wrong, only curious! Robin wants to go shopping but we kinda have no idea what would be comfy for him. And since you are designing his clothes, have any idea on what would work?" Cory spoke.

Luz hummed, "I could just tag along if you want?"

"That'd actually be really great- Want us to pick you up?"

"I've got a staff, I'll be fine. Just tell me where we meet up?"

Cory agreed, "Sending you the route, see you then Luz!"

"Bye Coco."

Cory hung up, Luz turning off her phone, glancing back up. Amity was being restrained by Noah, the Blight wanting to knock Cory's teeth out and feed them to her individually. "Have fun Luz- I'm sure you can find your way- SaFeLy-!" Noah yelped, being thrown over Amity's shoulder.

He grabbed her ankle, making Amity fall forward, Luz taking a step back. The witch drew another circle, a small box coming out, Luz placing it down. "This is all the other stuff I got you from Mexico, I hope you like it. But I must go now, so I'll text you later Amity."

The human gazed at the present with pink wrapping paper, yellow bow, and a little tag that said from who and to whom. Luz pat Amity's head, then left the room, going down the hall. Amity sat up, slowly taking off the lid, examining the objects inside.

A leather bag with pink chains, her name engraved on the hook, and a little keychain with a heart shaped Ying and Yang, her name engraved on the back. "Did she get me anything?" Noah asked, peeking in the box.

Luz actually did. Amity spotted the little bag with Noah's name on it, handing it to him. He greedily opened it, confetti shooting out of the bag. "Yep. Definitely from Luz."


"You sure you want to be doing that Luz?" Robin asked.

The witchling glanced over at him, the male seeming, upside down. "I'm sure. Everyone already knows about me. This is just my getaway." Luz said, sitting up on the staff. "Hey that'd look fancy on you!"

Robin and Cory looked over at the attire that had both pants and a shirt with it. The shirt was a long sleeve, white center, navy blue sleeves, and a small dinosaur design on the side. The pants were black, meteorite designs on the pockets. "Yeah but Robin's not so in to Dino's any more." Cory mumbled.

Luz hummed, "I can sew a different design on it if you'd like. Could be a dog, cat, anything!"

Robin ooed, "That is tempting.."

"I can adjust the size of the clothing if you want as well, won't take too long."



Luz had adjusted the shirt a bit, took off the designs on the pants and then replaced it with red pandas and or bamboo, then she went back to the Blight Manor. She had to tell Emira about a spell, teach Edric how to make an illusion move without it buffering and show Amity, an abomination.

The witch had taught Edric fairly quickly as he was interested in it, then she congratulated him a thousand times before going to Amity. The human wasn't listening though, she just kept gazing at Luz. "Amity, please pay attention." The witch repeated.


Luz snapped, the board and pot poofing away, the witch going over to her belongings, Amity sitting up. "Wait don't go-"

"You're not paying attention. There's no point in me teaching you if you won't even bother.." Luz hissed, putting her bag over her shoulder. "Goodnight."

Noah glanced up from the book he was reading, pushing his glasses up a bit. "Something wrong?" He asked.

"Amity's being meaner then you." Luz mumbled, opening the room door. "Goodnight Noah."

"Night Luz." He raised his hand then put it back down, turning the page in his book.

Amity took Luz's hand, pulling her over, "Wait I'll pay attention- Please don't go-"

"I told you to pay attention fourteen times already." Luz huffed, pulling her hand back, exiting the room. "I need to get home anyways, goodnight Amity."

The human pulled her over again, giving her a hug, Luz pushing herself away from the Blight. "Luz-"

"Not tonight.." Luz mumbled, taking a few steps back. "I have to get home.."

"I-I'll walk you out-"

Luz walked down the hall, "I know where the exit is..Goodnight Amity.."

The human rushed to her desk, opening a small drawer, taking the little sweet, then ran down the hall, catching up to Luz. She took the witches hand, opening it up, placing the candy in it, then closing her palm. "Goodnight Luz, I'm really sorry, but I'll make it up to you tommorow. I promise."

"..If you say so.." Luz said quietly, going down the stairs. "See you soon Amity.."

"Bye Luz.."

The witch made it down, the door being opened for her, Luz glancing back at the human. She smiled, waved, then left out in to the chilly night.

To be unfrozen soon! >⌓<

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Weirdos Stick Together. Lumity Fanfiction AU. Book 1.5Where stories live. Discover now