Season 1 Episode 1

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Unknown teenager robbed a gas station for the second time

Last night there was another unsolved robbery of a gas station. On cameras recognized the owner, according to police, a red-haired girl, estimated between sixteen and eighteen years. Nobody was injured, as in her previous robberies, and again she did not demand money. The police are faced with a mystery. Who is this stranger and what is she up to?

Tony Stark, visibly annoyed, crumpled up the newspaper and threw it on the long table where some of the world's most famous superheroes were gathered, snorting:

"This is the third time this week I've read this kind of report about a teenager causing trouble all over town, and it's only Friday. We need to put a stop to this so we can get back to our own mission." They had already wasted far too much time on this that could have been used for more meaningful things.

Steve Rogers, or better known as Captain America, nodded in agreement and asked, "Do we have any information on her?"

Annoyed that Steve apparently hadn't paid enough attention to him when he read the article aloud, he snorted again, "Yeah, she's a teenager and for better or worse, very good at staying undetected."

Steve laughed wryly before his voice turned serious again, "Very funny, Tony!"

"We're also...", Tony didn't get any further, because Jarvis - an artificial intelligence developed by Stark himself that controlled both his house and all his armor - interrupted him with an important piece of information:

"Sorry to interrupt, sir, but I just intercepted a report from the police about another robbery." Steve and Tony rose from their seats simultaneously.

"What's the plan, Tony?" asked the former, genuinely interested and already full of anticipation to be back on the job after a long time in the ice. But as quickly as his sudden interest had come, it was quashed by Tony as he pointed to the door and said, "She's our plan. Guys, this is Natalie Rushman."

Steve followed his hand and caught sight of a small Russian woman, also red-haired, with strikingly beautiful green eyes. He had never seen such a green in his life, let alone in the eyes of a person. They shone so beautifully that you thought you could see everything in them. But Rogers knew better than to fall for it. That's exactly what you'd think or should think, yet in truth you couldn't read anything into them at all. At least until one had not awakened her trust full.

The newcomer puffed and instantly improved Iron Man, "Natasha Romanoff. Still not over the fact that Furry set you up, Stark?" Steve gave her a impressed look. She was brave enough to correct Tony Stark? Even he wasn't brave enough to do that sometimes.

"Ah yes, my mistake, Miss Romanoff. And no one's ever fooled me, that's for sure," Tony apologized with an ironic undertone, quickly turning the fact on its head to distract from the fact that he had indeed been fooled a year ago. When the two had first met, Natasha had applied to be Tony's new helping hand under Nick Fury's orders to keep an eye on him. She had introduced herself under the alias Natalie Rushman. To remind her of the breach of trust, Stark often called her by her false name. He was the kind of person who held a lot of grudges.

"Whatever. Now go take that troublemaker to the tower. I want to have a serious word with her," he ordered annoyed and Natasha made her way to the store.

Meanwhile, in a store on the outskirts of New York, seventeen-year-old Abigail Rose Nolan was completely in her element, packing some groceries into her small red backpack with black buckles. She had never stolen anything to harm or even hurt anyone, but she needed it to survive, and that left her no choice. She was about to leave the store, but she had done the math without the excellent spy Natasha Romanoff, into whose very arms she ran as she left. "The fun's over, kid. You're coming with me."

"Yeah right, I don't think so," Abigail countered with cheeky firm conviction and a confident laugh. Faster than she could comprehend what had just happened, she was already face down on the floor. Natasha roughly lifted her up and brought her back to Stark Tower, where she was already expected. Resistance was futile. Romanoff, however, could not help feeling that this girl looked very familiar to her. In the entrance area, Abigail made acquaintance with the floor for the second time that day. This time, several faces smiled back at her.

"Hi. Nice of you to stop by, Kid! Way to go, triple imposter."

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