Season 3 Episode 13

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"Vision, get your ass back on the table," Natasha responded first, stepping away from the window and over to Abigail. "We're going to stop them," T'Challa confirmed and headed for the door. Steve assigned Wanda the task of destroying the stone so forth as soon as he was out of Vision, while Natasha issued orders to her charge. "Abigail, you stay here and protect Wanda."

"But I can help you," she pleaded but Natasha shook her head. "No, I won't let anything happen to you again." Sighing, Abigail nodded and abandoned the already pointless discussion. "I can't just sit here and do nothing while Natasha and the others are out there fighting for their survival," Abigail complained when everyone else had disappeared from the room and the fight was already in full swing. "You heard Romanoff, she only wants the best for you," replied Vision, who was about to receive his treatment. "I'm aware of that, but she treats me like a child."

"She treats you that way because she sees you as a child. As your child," Wanda explained, placing her one hand on her shoulder. "Nothing will happen to her, as soon as this is over we will help them." They would help them but differently than she had planned. "How much longer Shuri?" her brother's voice rang through her earpieces. "I've barely started, brother." Tense, the princess tried her best to speed up the hair-raising process, but if there was one thing she couldn't do, it was cast spells. Vision was out of consciousness by now and lying sprawled motionless on the couch, the fear in Wanda's eyes not hidden from her friend. "Nothing will happen to him and you can continue your happy relationship," Abigail joked, playfully pinching her side to at least elicit a small smile from her.

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