Season 2 Episode 20

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Fortunately, this decision was taken away from her when Thor appeared and shot lightning into the box with his hammer. Everyone watched in shock as a red figure rose from the capsule and shot at Thor. With a single movement of his hand, he hurled the figure through the glass to the window. Prepared for another attack, they jumped after him, but the God of Thunder asked them with a wave of his hand not to attack. As if in a trance, the figure stared out the window until it conjured up some sort of clothing and came to a stop beside them. "Sorry, that was strange. Thank you," he thanked with Jarvis' voice.

When Steve inquired why Thor had helped create him, he explained to them about the Infinitiy Stones and his visions. "What else was he waiting for?" asked Tony of the figure that would from now on called Vision.

"For you."
"In Sokovia. Natasha he has there, too."

Abigail, who had been watching the whole thing particularly quietly the whole time, startled, "Then we have to go there immediately! Whether he's telling the truth or not, we have to go there. Because of Nat." All eyes were on her, because everyone present knew how much Natasha meant to her. Even the newcomers Vision, Pietro and Wanda could feel this. And of course they agreed with her without exception, so they instantly got ready for the big battle. "I'll go find Nat while you guys watch my back," Abigail spoke again to Steve, Tony and Bruce when they were ready to board the ship. "No Kid, besides, it's news to me that you're calling the shots here. Banner will find her and bring her back to you safely. We need you badly in the fight, without your skills we are lost," Tony replied in a tone which no against saying would accept. So a little later, together with Steve, she was getting the civilians safely out of the city, while Tony would take care of Ultron first. However, as cracks appeared throughout Sokovia, it was clear to them that Tony had failed. "Stark figure out how to get the city down safely. Everyone else has only one job. Take those things apart. If they hurt you, hurt them. If you die, worth you," the Avengers announcement received from the Captain just moments before Hulk appeared on the battlefield.

"Cap look," Abigail yelled to him, pointing to a red car that was threatening to plunge into the abyss. He reacted immediately and tried to rescue the woman from inside the car, but too late. The car plunged into the depths along with the passenger, but Thor emerged in time to save her. As the three moved away from the bridge and further inside, Abigail spotted a red-haired fighter among all the debris. "NAT!" she yelled, rushing toward her carelessly. There was no time for a hug in all the carnage, but the two knew how glad the other was to have each other back. A little later, Steve approached them to welcome his friend back and save her life with his shield. Working as a team, the three managed to defeat all the enemies in their immediate vicinity. "The impact radius is getting bigger by the second, we need to make a decision," Tony informed them through the comm as Steve stood at the precipice in a quiet moment. "Cap these people have nowhere to go. If Stark could blow up the city...-," Natasha said as she joined him with Abigail. "Not until everyone is safe," he replied stubbornly, breaking eye contact with the older redhead. The same hair color probably made the same temperament, because the youngest of the bunch boldly spoke up, "Cap, everyone up here versus everyone down there, there is no match."

"I'm not leaving as long as there are civilians here."
"We're not saying we should leave," Abigail replied first, looking from Steve to Natasha. "There are worse ways to go. Where else do we have a view like this?" she finished her sentence, taking Abigail and Steve by the hand. She didn't mind dying, but thinking about taking Abigail down with her broke her heart. Every time she showed up in Abi's life, she was responsible for something horrible happening to her. First the thing at school with the horrible girls, then the panic attacks and finally the thing with her father and the police. The poor girl deserved a better life and she was sorry not to be able to give it to her.

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