Season 2 Episode 8

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It had now been several more weeks since Abigail's acceptance. It had taken some convincing, but in the end her urge to do something good was stronger than her fear of her powers. Even though Natasha had tried to talk her out of the whole story a bit, her attitude about it hadn't changed and now she was a member of the Avengers. Unusually, the two redheads had no longer quarreled despite their disagreement, but were closer than ever. But it often grated between Tony and Abigail, at the training sessions. He thought she had to use her powers calmly, but when she did, her powers were off. As soon as she got excited, however, it was hard for her to hold them back at all. It gave her the feeling of not being good enough. In the evenings when the two women sat together on the balcony, Abigail often tried to find out if something had happened between Natasha and Steve while she was away, because their behavior towards each other had become much closer and more trusting. But all that followed was Natsaha's constant evasions asking what was going on with her and Danny. That there was nothing between the two, the Black Widow probably just didn't want to understand, so Abigail soon gave it up. Except for her failure in training, her life could hardly be better, but this was just the calm before the storm.

When the Avengers received word of a Hydra outpost in Sokovia from Baron Strucker, they immediately set out to reclaim the scepter held there from Loki. Tony was at first against taking the little one with him, but stubborn as Abigail was, he gave in and so they drove to Sokovia with eight of them. Together with Clint she stood on the back of a kind of all-terrain vehicle and shot fireballs at the enemies with her hands, while Natasha skillfully drove them through the forest. When they all met up again, they jumped out of the van and now took care of the ground troops on the front line. While Natasha took out one by one with ease, Abigail continued to charge forward to later enter the castle with Tony - who simply flew up past her. "Clint!" heard Abigail Nat's screaming voice through the communicator. She turned and was already about to run back to back up Natasha, who was blinded with worry, but Tony's voice stopped her. "No Kid, I need you up here, Hulk will watch Widow." With a heavy heart, she pulled herself back together and sprinted toward the castle again. Natasha would be fine, she was smarter than to get flustered so easily. Just as she reached the town, Iron Man suddenly grabbed her hand out of nowhere and flew up inside with her in tow. Some men were already waiting for them with weapons drawn, but for Novanoff and Stark they posed absolutely no obstacle. They reached the computers and sent all the data to Maria Hill at headquarters. Tony's voice jolted her out of her procedures and when she turned her head to him, he had already disappeared through a newly appeared secret door. She followed him down a stone staircase, through a tunnel and found him in a huge room with an even larger to her indefinable alien something. "Thor, we're about to hit the jackpot," he spoke into the communicator as Abigail also came to a stop beside him. So distracted by the sight of the scepter, neither Tony nor Abigail noticed the figure behind them.

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