Season 3 Episode 2

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With a leap, she wrapped her legs around her neck and flung her to the ground. An attack which Natasha had taught her, of course. Now she did the same to her, and thus hurled the second redhead to the ground. The next thing Abigail noticed was red particles settling on her pupil and making her dizzy for a few seconds. Natasha had pulled the vial out of Yelena's old jacket, which she always carried around, and smashed it next to the two redheads.

Dizzy, Novanoff rushed to her feet, but Nat was immediately at her side, helping her back to her feet. "Abi," she whispered as she did so, still not quite able to believe her eyes. "Abigail! Are you okay?" now Steve asked as well, coming over to the two. Except for the fact that she had woken up from some kind of trance and all the horrible things she had done, she was fine, so she nodded slightly and looked around. "Wanda I'm so sorry," she apologized to the one still on the ground and offered her hand. "It's okay. I'm glad you're back," she gave as a reply and got up with Abigail's help.

The youngest of the bunch didn't seem to be that stable, though, as her legs gave way under her and she landed unconscious in Natasha's arms. A few minutes later, she lay on a couch in the shuttle and opened her eyes in panic, only to look into Nat's green pupils and immediately calm down again. Her rescue had all been no dream after all, so lucky. The person above her had started playing with her curls during her spiritual absence. "Mum?" mumbled Abigail sleepily, trying to sit up but addressed stopped her.

"Hey Abigail ... You're fine, you're back with us," the older girl reassured her, smiling in relief while trying not to make it too obvious how much this "Mum" of Abigail's meant to her. Groaning in pain, she straightened up and looked around the Quinjet. Wanda and Pietro were tending to the injured Vision in another corner, while Steve and Sam sat in the cockpit. "This sucks," she commented on her pain to distract from the public questions of why and how she had gotten into the Red Room.

Tasha just shook her head but decided to save the questions for a later time. "Oh, she's in cardiac arrest, say it! Time?" joked Pietro, warmly welcoming back the newcomer. She had almost already forgotten the pitch of his accent and was all the more pleased to hear his voice again now. "I brought our little wounded soldier here some refreshments," he continued, pressing a healthy-looking shake into her hand, which she accepted gratefully.

Her throat, after all, felt like the desert itself. Natasha fished the drink out of her hand and Abigail was already about to throw something in until she was interrupted by her, "Here Abigail, let me do that." Immediately she felt bad thinking Natasha would steal her drink in such a situation. "I can drink my own water, you don't have to treat me like a baby," harsher than she intended, those words left her mouth and made the corners of Nat's mouth drop an octave.

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