Season 3 Episode 28

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She was to be proved right. Johnson was becoming her best friend, but Wanda hadn't been her best friend for a long time; she was much more of a sister. Which didn't mean Daisy was any less to her. It was just that she shared a similar fate with both of them, and in a platonic way, they could also be compared soulmates. While Abigail aspired to Daisy more as a role model, while with Wanda she could really talk to her about anything. And she would inevitably have needed someone like that now. But the pain was getting better, at least that's what everyone thought. While others hid behind a thick layer of makeup, Abigail hid behind a smile and this day in and day out.

A few days had passed since their arrival and Abigail was now doing exceptionally well at dealing with the dangerously blazing flames even in the palm of her hand. The bigger problem now was her unhealed hematomas on her arms. The first gloves, which even Daisy wore at first, didn't work and kept bursting into flames over and over again. So FitzSimmons just worked ceaselessly to find a solution. Just then, Johnson and Novanoff were on a new training session when Coulson interrupted the exercise and asked Daisy to accompany them to his office. "I'll be right back, just keep it up, you can do it," Daisy ordered and followed her foster father out of the gym.

The meeting turned out to be anything but short, and when she hadn't reappeared even after half an hour, Abigail became suspicious and set out to find the others. Too bad she didn't have the best sense of direction, so she kept getting lost in the seemingly endless hallways. "Вы, наверное, шутите! Я уже был здесь две минуты назад," she cursed the fact that she had definitely gone in circles again. In general, at this moment, it was exceptionally quiet in the corridors, as if everyone had something to do. An ice-cold shiver went down her spine when suddenly all around her the lights failed, plunging the room into complete gloom. At the end of the hallway, Abigail spotted a growing light and, hoping to find Natasha, Daisy, Steve, Pietro or even one of the others there, she ran towards it. Not a good idea as it would turn out. Several men and a strangely dressed woman stormed the hallway, pointing sharp weapons at the redhead. "Put your hands where I can see them and you won't be harmed," shouted the only unarmed leader, of the group and stepped forward. Her instruction led Abigail to conclude that she knew quite well of her powers and possibly had them herself.

But she would not surrender so easily. As instructed, she raised her hands above her head and formed a fireball with her fists. With full force, she let it loose on the group of intruders, who barely dodged to the side. "Stupid mistake little one," laughed the witch, hurling a purple beam at her. With a diving leap, she escaped it by a hair's breadth and scrambled to her feet. In this narrow corridor she would never be able to stand against all of them, she needed reinforcements urgently. Stumbling, she ran away, dodging a few more shots here and there, and made it around the next corner just in time before she could let the dangerously purple glowing something slip away. "NAT! DAISY! STEVE!" she screamed frantically, searching her exceptionally empty base.

"You can't escape us," echoed the spiteful laughter from the walls, causing Abigail to crack up inside. There was no point. She had gotten lost and was now back in the training room from earlier. Fighting was the only option. Fight and hope for reinforcements. At least she had enough space here. Not ten seconds later, the first witch arrived. She had brown tousled hair light blue eyes and was quite a bit taller than her. With an instructing hand gesture, she asked her forces to wait outside to take care of the twenty-three year old herself first. "Let's cut this short sweetheart. You give me your powers and no one gets hurt."

"Never," so that's what she was after. But why? Her opposite apparently didn't have weak powers either, so what did she want with hers? "You asked for it." At the exact same moment, they both raised their hands and a continuous transition from red to purple lit up the dark room. While Abigail's had the consistency of real fire, the purple was much more of a plasma but still just as dangerous. Pain rippled through the younger girl's hands and she fought with all her might against the ever-increasing resistance. Strained, she thought of Daisy's words and everything she was fighting for. She was not fighting to see her suffer, she was fighting for her family and their well-being. With her other hand, she formed another ray of fire and joined it to the one she already had.

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