Season 2 Episode 22

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Abigail gathered all her remaining strength and sprinted past Clint and Danny, who desperately tried to stop her. But, she reached the little boy and grabbed him quickly but gently. Already she wanted to go back to the others to bring the boy and herself to safety, but from above Ultron was firing from a ship and would reach them in a few seconds. Protectively, she bent over the child to block the shots from him and prepared for her death. Her thoughts flitted to Natasha, she wondered if she was safe and how would she be after she died? Steve and Clint would be watching over her, she was happily aware of that and it allowed her to relax a bit. She was not afraid to die, on the contrary she was ready to die before.

But suddenly everything happened so fast. Clint and Danny had rushed after her, they both knew how important Abigail was to Natasha and they had to take care of her. Out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of Danny's blond hair darkened by dirt, he got to her at the last moment and threw himself over her and so the child. The shots hit the blond-haired man, who went down badly injured. Surprised and shocked, she carefully laid the boy in her arms on the ground and crawled towards her best friend. Even though things had been bumpy between them at first after her return, the two were still just as strongly bonded deep inside as before. With tears streaming down her face, she lifted his body to her and clasped his cheeks. "Why did you do that?" she cried desperately, clutching him to her. "You shouldn't have done that, you idiot," Abigail sobbed again. "Somebody has to make sure you get home," Danny replied weakly, reaching for her badly shaking hand. "Do you know that you completely charmed me on your very first day? You accepted me without prejudice and didn't let anyone tell you anything. The day of the party, I was going to ask you out, but your father showed up all of a sudden. At the next party, we were both three years older. Apparently time didn't want us two together." A cough from his side interrupted him and some blood found its way onto Abigail's red skintight battle suit. "No you can't go!" she cried in horror, shaking him to keep Danny conscious. "Don't do this to me, please! We'll get help you'll be okay," her efforts were useless and actually she was painfully aware of that, but she just couldn't let him go. "It's too late. Promise me you'll find happiness."

"I promise." Abigail leaned closer to him and kissed him on the cheek. Something she should have done a long time ago. She was too young to be aware of the shortness of life, but now the realization hit her that now there would never be time for all the things she would have preferred to tell him yesterday. "I... I love you," Danny breathed with a tender smile of relief at having saved her, before finally closing his eyes and slumping in Abigail's arms. The blue shining eyes, was the last thing Danny saw in his life and he couldn't ask for a more beautiful sight. "I love you too," she whispered, taking him in her arms. Even though he didn't get to hear her retort, it was important to her to have said those words. Around them now gathered Clint, Steve and Pietro, who wanted to give them some last privacy at a close distance. But now it was time to get out of here. "I'm sorry Abigail but we have to get away from her," Steve said gently, putting a hand on her shoulder. But Abigail wasn't ready to take her hands off Danny's lifeless body. She sat there, covered in blood and tears and holding her dead boyfriend in her arms, unable to speak or even move. So Clint took the boy, Steve Danny and Pietro carried Abigail onto the ferry. Just in time, the five survivors made it onto the last ferry before Sokovia fell into the depths. The last thing Abigail witnessed were her thousands of tears and the emptiness in her aching heart before she passed out from exhaustion while still in Pietro's arms.

Rest in peace
Danny Dinsono
July 2, 1994 - 2015

One day, we will be remembered

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