Season 2 Episode 18

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So, despite strong objections from Abigail, she was eventually forbidden to accompany Romanoff, Rogers and Barton on their mission to South Korea, instead she was flying with Tony to Oslo to stop Ultron from stealing nuclear codes. However, when the two arrived there, it turned out that someone had already done so: J.A.R.V.I.S., who had survived his encounter with Ultron only badly damaged. So while the three of them tried to secure the box with the artificially created body to bring it to the Avengers tower, Abigail was forced to talk to Stark. It took time but eventually their argument cleared up bit by bit and the two actually managed to become better friends again. When the two were later back at Avengers Tower, Abigail rushed inside as fast as she could with her bandaged leg to greet Natasha only to find a dejected Clint and Steve inside. Accompanying them were the twins, who didn't go over too well with her. "Where's Nat?" she asked, surprised. After all, she had expected to get a joyful hug from her as well. Instead, the two men exhaled audibly and rose from the couch to approach her. "Abigail listen..." began Clint, wanting to put a hand on her shoulder as Natasha always did to reassure her. "What happened?" she interrupted him seriously, slapping his hand away to take a step back from him. "Ultron managed to kidnap Nat in the fight," Steve tried to explain to her sensitively and pulled her into his arms even though Abigail didn't exactly object much. At some point, however, she stopped her wriggling and instead clung all the tighter to Steve's chest, while tears rushed down her cheeks. Again and again, sobs could be heard from her and it broke the hearts of everyone present in the room to see her on the floor like that. Abigail had never been the person to openly reveal her emotions, only with Nat she felt comfortable enough to let them run free. But now this very person had disappeared from her life again and no one could tell her if Natasha was even still alive or if Ultron had not already murdered her. After some time, her legs buckled under the floor and if Steve hadn't still detected her, she would have had painful encounters with the floor. When all the tears had dried up, depression gave way to the question of what if, and as best she could she rose. "It should have been me. I should have gone with you! I should have protected her," From Steve's arms she had already freed herself and now she limped away from him in an indeterminate direction to avoid bursting into tears again. Natasha's best friend recognized himself too well in her reaction and reached for her hand. "Hey, hey, hey, stop it! It's not your fault how could you - how could any of us have known what was happening," he tried to calm her down but it wasn't going to work that well.

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