Season 4 Episode 7

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Five Years Later

Two burnt-out candles, which together make twenty-six, were enthroned on a leftover muffin, pointing to Abigail Novanoff's past birthday. She sat with her legs drawn up in front of her window, looking out over the city. This was not how she had imagined her birthday. When Thanos had wiped out half of humanity, she wasn't even officially allowed to drink, and now only four years separated her from her thirties. In general, she had stopped doing many things that had given her joy at one time. Like playing the guitar. But she danced ballet again. One night she caught Natasha in the training room practicing a complete dance, and she too rediscovered the desire to dance. After all, dancing had been the only positive thing about her past.

A knock on the door snapped her out of her thoughts and made Abigail look at the door. "You ready?" asked Steve, receiving a nod from the little one. Despite her twenty-six years, she would always be the little one to everyone on the team. Addressed stood up and together they left the headquarters. As they drove through the city observed the empty streets. Steve and she had made it their mission to continue helping other people by organizing a support group.

"So... I uh, went on a date the other day," one man reported. He sat on a folding chair in a room with several other people who listened to him in silence. "It's the first time in five years. You know? I'm sitting there at dinner I didn't even know what to talk about."

"What did you talk about?"

"Eh, same old crap," the man replied in an attempt to lighten the serious mood a bit. "That's good. You've got the hardest part behind you. You jumped without knowing where you were going to land. And that's what it's all about. It's those small, brave mini-steps that we should be taking. To try to find our footing again. A new sense of purpose. I went into the ice in 45 and had just thought I had met the love of my life. 70 years later I woke up and discovered I was wrong. It was hard to get used to, but it was worth it," he had apparently told this old story many times before. Steve raised his hands and then crossed his arms in front of his chest. "You have to keep going," he continued. "You have to keep it going. The world is in our hands. We're in charge of it. We have to make something of it. Because otherwise ... Thanos could have killed us all, too."

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