Season 2 Episode 32

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"You can't do that. She didn't do anything bad, on the contrary, she saved the world with us. She is an Avenger. She's my daughter! Get her out of there now," Natasha roared at the top of her lungs and was about to storm toward the cell if Steve hadn't grabbed her by the waist to keep her from making a bad mistake. Flipping out now wasn't going to get anyone anywhere here, even if he would have preferred to settle the matter quickly with his fists as well. "Miss Romanoff, SHE is NOT your daughter. SHE is the daughter of an alcoholic and a cleaning lady, such a thing cannot be special at all. Besides, we've heard about her robbery, so she's no better than her parents," he spat at them, violently breaking the two heroes' patience.

"Take that back right now! She's one of us," Nat yelled, managing to break free from his grip to walk menacingly toward Ross. "She's just a kid," Steve repeated himself, following his colleague. Only to put a hand on her shoulder, though. He knew how close Tasha was to smacking him good. "You have ten minutes, not a minute more," Ross warned tersely, opening the cell for them, only to close it again after they entered. In ten minutes, a guard would return to escort the two Avengers out.

"Abigail, honey, we're here with you," Natasha tried carefully to get her attention unknowingly of how the girl inside might be doing. "Why is he here?" she wanted to know angrily, pointing at Steve, who still had his hand around Romanoff's waist in a kind of shock stare. "We're here to get you out," he replied mistakenly knowing full well that Ross would never let her go. "Liar! I heard what you were talking about. It's because of you that I'm in this situation now. You let me go," she croaked, trying to use all her strength to scream.

Her attempt was in vain and caused her some stone bruises. Of course, her accusation was unjustified and unfair, but she didn't want to know about that in her current situation. "We don't have much time, so please listen to us. We've got Tony support, he's rounding up his best lawyers, and in a few days you'll be back with us," Natasha tried, kneeling down to her. Steve meanwhile, took his hand off her hip and pulled back a bit to give the two women a few months together. Especially since she was not at all well disposed towards him right now.

With watery eyes she tried to get closer to Nat but more electric shocks prevented her from doing so. Instead, Tasha moved closer to her and put her arms around her, kissing her hairline. "It's going to be okay," she whispered to her before Ross' men came around the corner again to lead them both outside. It hadn't been a full ten minutes maybe just half, but she was glad to see Abigail at all. The last time before everything they had ever known would go down the drain.

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