Season 4 Episode 26

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When Abigail arrived at the headquarters, she didn't waste any time but went straight to Pietro's room. Without knocking, she rushed into the room of the Sokovian who looked at her in surprise. He was already wearing his blue pajamas and was about to complain to the redhead when his focus fell on her teary eyes and shaking hands and knees. "I need to talk to you," she snorted, pulling the door firmly shut behind her. The blond nodded and got up from his bed to reassure her. Abi, however, was far from wanting to calm down and briskly strode past him to close the open window. "Успокойся," he tried to reassure her and clasped her wrists. After the window was pulled shut, he took her to the end of the bed and sat her on it. "Now tell me what's wrong," he said in his typical Sokovian accent, now placing his hands on her still trembling knees.

"What I'm about to tell you must remain between us at all costs, you hear." Novanoff took a deep breath while she waited for his answer. "Обещанное," he promised, now infected himself by the Russian's nervousness. "The idea of sending Natasha or any team member to an unknown dangerous planet didn't appeal to me much, as you may have noticed. So I did some research and stumbled across this book while rummaging through empty buildings. It showed me new ways to use my powers in a versatile way and I was able to find out more." A brief pause punctuated their conversation as Abigail wrestled with herself to come up with the next words. "I saw the future!"

Pietro suddenly snorted and doubled over in the back, but his laughter quickly died down as he recognized tears in Novanoff's eyes. "Wait you're serious?" She only managed a nod before her body collapsed in sobs. A serious face graced the older as he struggled up from the floor and wrapped his arms around his teammate's petite body. It may have been difficult between them when they had disagreed whether they were more than friends or rather siblings. But now Abigail was also glad that he had chosen her as a sister. Otherwise she wouldn't be able to tell him what she was up to without being stopped by him. "Я здесь," he assured her that he would be there for her and just held her in his arms.

It took them some time until Abigail managed to tell him the whole events and he just listened to her without interrupting her - even if it was damn hard for him. "Don't get me wrong but how are you going to manage to save everyone?" Tensely, Abigail took a breath. He wouldn't necessarily like her answer, but if it meant bringing back his real sister. "By sacrificing myself for everyone." Shaking his head, Maximoff sought her hands and clasped them tightly, as if to bring her back to reality. But Abigail was in reality, and she knew exactly what she had to do. "I'm jumping for Natasha. You tell Carol she has to have the glove. Steve stays with you and I won't torture innocent people."

Wanda's brother was speechless at this selfless but equally crazy plan. He wanted his sister back no question and for that he would do everything possible. But to be responsible for the death of such an important person for him but also for Wanda? "You know as well as I do that there is no other way. One life against three and that of half of humanity."

"I can't let that happen and you know it." A gasp left Abigail's throat and she scrambled up from the edge of the bed. "If you stop me or tell anyone, you're just as responsible for her death as I am."

"You're blackmailing me?" asked Pietro incredulously, rising from the bed as well. "I'm sorry about that but I have no choice. Whatever it takes." 

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