Season 2 Episode 34

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Darkness pervaded the room as a strong rattle ran through the raft, setting off alarm bells. The sudden power failure deactivated Abigail's electrical restraints and instantly she struggled to her feet. Painfully, she held her ribs as her thoughts turned to a possible rescue mission. Natasha would storm the room any moment, followed by the other Avengers, and take her with her. But they didn't come. Instead, several young women came running towards her cell and opened her cell door with ease. The leader, appeared to be a blonde girl, who now ran towards Abigail. "Are you all right? Let me help you," she spoke to her in a clearly audible Russian accent, trying to support her. Unsteadily, Abigail stumbled back from her and mumbled painfully, "I'm - I'm fine." The unknown gave her a suspicious look, but let her limp out of the cell on her own. "That went according to plan! Now get out!" ordered Blondie and as Abigail tried to run away, another woman grabbed her by the arm. "Congratulations. You're being rescued right now. Please don't resist." The former laughed again and threw the little one over her back herself. Together with her, they again fought their way out and boarded the waiting shuttle. By now Abigail had concluded that the release was set by Tony and the others. Who else was going to free her? Certainly not her father. But here, too, she was sorely mistaken. After a few minutes, her eyes adjusted to the brightness and allowed her to look around the ship. Her gaze lingered on the leader. Already in the darkness she could deduce blonde or at least light brown hair. The former turned out to be correct. But now she also recognised a pointed chin piercing green eyes that reminded her painfully of Natasha. Soon she would be with her again and never let her out of her embrace. She realised how wrong she was about that too, as her gaze sank down. The black suits, she had first thought were old S.H.I.L.D suits, which were still worn by Maria Hill. However, the emblem did not show an eagle, but a black and red hourglass. A symbol she was unfortunately all too familiar with. She was not rescued by agents of the Avengers, but kidnapped by Widows.

When the news arrived hours later at the new Avengers headquarters, it was as if the world stopped for everyone present. At that moment, Natasha Romanoff was in the training room, furiously punching one of the training bags. Images of Abigail tied up kept running through her head, making her punch the punching bag harder and harder. In her mind's eye, she was punching not an object but the skull of Thaddeus Ross, when suddenly the door opened behind her and Steve's shocked blue eyes met her green ones.

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