Season 1 Episode 3

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A few hours later, they were all gathered in the living room again, talking about Thor, the rumored Clint Barton, Loki, and the Tesseract, when Abigail entered the room. There was a sudden silence that caused her to stop in front of them and eyed all four of them questioningly.

"What's your name, kid?" asked Tony the question that was actually long overdue. Not exactly eager to answer, she turned and again caught sight of someone standing behind her. This time it was Steve, who had gotten up to stop her from running away.

"Abigail," she replied simply, stopping in place.

"What can you do?" the one behind her asked with interest. Knowing that neither of them would rest until they knew the truth about her, she exhaled.

Grinning, she answered his question, "I'll show you." She closed her eyes and her hand tightly together and the next time she opened her hands, flames rose in them and her pupils turned fiery red. Everyone in the room was amazed, but Abigail wasn't done with her performance. She looked over at Natasha and shot a fireball just past her head, smashing into the wall behind her.

Of course, it hadn't been her intention to hit her, she just wanted to scare her a little. Steve grinned, impressed, while Tony worried about his beautiful destroyed wall. Nat stood up and walked towards the girl. "You'll regret this," she threatened as they both stood very close to each other. Not taking the threats too seriously, Abigail started laughing and said dumbly, "I don't think I will."

"I'd start running, Kid," Tony warned the little girl, but any help was already too late for her. Nat grabbed her hand, pushed her down and wrapped her legs around her neck, sending them both to the ground. Still lying on the floor, Abigail groaned in pain.

"Ouch, do you mind?" she asked, perhaps a little too put-upon friendly. Tasha stood up and stopped over her.

"Learn your place, child," she warned sternly.

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