Season 5 Episode 4

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The critters were still hot on Clint's heels, and Abigail couldn't just leave him behind. So she snatched Pietro's hand, fell to the floor next to Barton due to the change in speed, and formed fire with her hands. Powerfully, she hurled a spark through the tube at her attacker, while Clint helped her back to her feet and they now ran off together. The fire caused a slight explosion and both of them managed to escape from the immediate area only by Maximoff. "Cука," Abigail remarked cursing the fact that still some had survived. Hawkeye, however, had already found a way out and fired a grappling hook into the floor above them.

Clint pulled on the rope to make sure it would hold and attached the other end to his belt. He quickly grabbed the two kids and immediately the mechanism on the grappling hook activated and pulled them up. They had almost made it through the hole when an Outrider jumped toward them. Another firefight, dropped the beast into the depths burning. "Well done little one," praised Clint, and she couldn't help but think of Natasha at his words, when she and Wanda had rescued her from those critters in Wakanda. To this day, the proud expression on Nat's face was etched in her mind. If only Nat had been with her. She would have had her true joy, she thought sadly.

All the other attackers also felt the blazing fire of the youngest and fell miserably to the ground. Finally the end of the hole appeared and exhausted, all three settled down on the cold bars. Between their rings of air, Clint could detect no audible threat and dropped his sword. The glove, however, he still clutched tightly in his arm. Only a short time later, they heard footsteps and Abigail was already forming more fire when she recognized Nebula. Drained, she lowered her hand in relief. Finally, a familiar face.

"Oh, hey, I know you," Clint murmured, equally drained and exhausted. Nebula bent down and took the glove from him. But she didn't seem to notice Clint at all. Instead, she announced, "Father ... I have the stones." Clint's eyes snapped open and Abigail stumbled to her feet to stop her, but only reaped a strong kick to the pit of her stomach. "What?" he asked, simply not realizing what had just happened. 

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