Season 3 Episode 3

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When the headquarters appeared in the Quinjet's windshield hours later, some indescribable feelings built up in Abigail. A feeling of being home, even though she had only spent a few days there. However, when she thought about it, she felt at home everywhere as long as Natasha was with her. Because Natasha was her home. There's nothing wrong with spending the summer in another city. But Abigail wasn't just in another city to spend her summer vacation there. She felt like she was in a dream all the time, a horrible nightmare even though her body was wide awake. There was nothing better than being here. She couldn't forget that she was never alone here. When she was at her lowest point, Natasha came into her life, put an arm around her and made her feel like she had found her place. No matter where she went, there was no place like home.

The six arrivals arrived just as a conversation of some important generals was ending. Among them was Ross, against whom Abigail held a grudge. "You've got some nerve. I'll give you that," the latter said as Steve, Natasha and Abigail joined him while in the second row Wanda, Pietro and Sam supported the injured Vision. "You could use some of that right now," Natasha returned toughly and the young woman next to her had to stifle a sneaky grin. She just hated him as much as Nat did and she didn't care to show him that. "You should improve your security," second interjected for that reason, alluding to her kidnapping from the so-called best prison in the world, as well as the release of the other Avengers locked up after her by Rogers and Romanoff. Ross, however, didn't address either woman, instead turning to Steve: "The world is on fire and you think all is forgiven and forgotten?" Instead of Captain America's feigned courtesy to people he also disliked, the general got back a reply just as mocking. "I don't ask for forgiveness, and I haven't asked for permission in a long time." Tasha had apparently been very influential on him while the two were on the run together, and once again Abigail got her hopes up that she would get to see the two of them together someday. But right now there were more important things than that. "Earth has lost its best protector, so let's fight. And get in our way, we'll fight you too," he continued, and at the warming of Tony and the separation of the Avengers, Abigail's stomach tightened once again. Even though she had only gotten the short version on the way here, the whole thing hit her hard despite her absence. It was as if her family had fallen apart, because it had.

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