Season 3 Episode 15

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Together with Abigail, Wanda flew to Vision, who unfortunately still carried the stone in his head. "Are you okay?" Wanda asked worriedly, putting a hand on his cheek. Before the latter could answer, however, Vision winced and his stone began to glow briefly. "What, what's wrong?" With widened eyes, Vis looked around and tried to sit up, "He's here." Wanda gave Abigail a deft look, which she returned knowingly, while Steve quoted everyone to their position. A portal opened and a purple figure appeared in front of Bruce. Ready to fight, the two friends stood with their powers drawn and would do anything to protect Vision. The others also took up battle positions, but Thanos managed to bring them all down with ease. Bruce was petrified in the rock wall, Steve was thrown to the side and Sam got winged. All in all, things were looking far from good for the Avengers. "Wanda. It's time," Vision's voice sounded behind them and they both turned to him in shock.

"No!" If Abigail was honest with herself, she knew there was no way out. "They can't stop him, Wanda but we can. Look at me. You have the power to destroy the stone." The stone had to be destroyed and because they knew nothing about Abigail's powers, it had to be Wanda who erased the stone. "Stop it." Still, she didn't want to put her best friend through that kind of hell. "You have to do it. Wanda, please. We're out of time."

"I can't."

"Yes you can. You can. If he has the stone, half the universe dies." Vision pushed her wall away and held her level with the stone and his forehead. Abigail, too, struggled not to burst into tears. Like no one else, she understood her best friend and knew if there had been a way to protect Danny she would have. "It's not fair. You shouldn't have to do it, but it is. It's all good. You could never hurt me. I just feel you." With tears in her eyes, Wanda opened her hand and began to destroy the stone in Vision, while Abigail backed her up. Almost no one was left from the team, only Steve was still standing between Thanos and her. And when the time came, she was ready. With her full power, she hurled a continuous beam of fire at her threat. He came through, slowly but still getting closer. Wanda helped her with her free hand and they managed to destroy the stone. A blast wave rippled through the forest as the stone shattered into a thousand tiny pieces.

Side by side the two women lay exhausted on the ground, they had never used up so much strength. "I understand, my child." She heard Thanos' voice for the first time and tried to get up, but they were aware that they would die in a fight.

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