Season 1 Episode 11

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Abigail was standing in the kitchen in front of the sink, removing the last of the blood, when Nat accidentally closed the cabinet door too loudly. She winced and cried out, "My God! You scared me!" Natasha looked down suspiciously at the little one but said nothing which is why she asked, "What?" With a new strange look Natasha answered very slowly with, "Nothing." But in reality a bad suspicion arose in her. Therefore she raised her hand and pretended to slap Abigail. As she had thought, she was terribly frightened and stepped back from her. It had not been her intention to hit her but this test confirmed her suspicions. "Why do you flinch so much, Abigail? You know I'm not going to hurt you," she whispered worriedly and for the first time she didn't hide this concern not only in her voice but also in her posture, she showed it to her openly. "um ... yes well - you never know," she stuttered awkwardly and put on a badly faked smile. "Who hurt you?" she asked straight out without responding to her fake game. "What, no one." Another fake laugh. "Don't bullshit me, Abigail," Natasha snapped at her to finally get the truth out of her. She didn't know why it was so important to her all of a sudden, but she cared tremendously about the little one now. "I don't," she continued to deny. "Get in the car, Abigail," she ordered gently. "Why?"

"Just get in," she almost pleaded, looking at her pleadingly. Natasha Romanoff and pleading? Actually two things which definitely didn't want to go together. But now everything seemed different, at this moment she seemed different. She was worried about her, having a terrible suspicion why Abigail was so distant, but also so familiar to her. "Stranger danger," she joked but her voice didn't sound a bit like joking but sounded much more to Natasha like an internal cry for help or at least a defensive stance. "Get in before I throw you in." Abi realized that arguing with the Black Widow was pointless and simply a waste of time. So she followed the twenty-eight year old redhead into her car with her, not knowing whether to tell her the whole truth now or do what she did best among other things. Lying.

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