Season 1 Episode 16

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It took some time for Abigail to finally find her first classroom. Six minutes after the lesson began, she knocked on the door and the teacher invited her in. "Ok class, we have a new student with us today. Abigail, why don't you take a seat next to Danny." glad not to have to introduce herself in front of the entire class, she made her way to the center of the room. Danny was a tall blond boy with green eyes and smiled warmly at her. "Sure," she replied, settling into the seat next to him. "Um - hey I'm Danny ... Dinsono," the blond stuttered a bit nervously, playing with his pen. "Nice to meet you, Dinsono," she smiled kindly at him as well before turning her attention to class. After all, she wanted to try to listen to Natasha at least once. It didn't take long for Abigail to realize that she didn't understand a word of the teacher's chatter. Actually, she had been the best in class until the end, but there were also quite different practices. Bored, she grabbed a sheet of paper and built a paper airplane. Happy with her work of art, she threw it. Amazingly, it flew well, too well. It hit a brown haired girl with equally chocolate brown eyes in the back of the head. Pissed off, she quickly turned to face her, causing her light waves to fly. "Watch out, new girl!" she yelled pissed at Abigail and threw the paper airplane back in her direction. However, this one missed its target and landed next to her feet instead. "If your head wasn't so big, it might not have..." she laughed spitefully but the teacher interrupted her belligerent counter. "Abigail! Shut up."

"Are you kidding me?" she mumbled quietly more to herself than to anyone else. Only Danny had noticed something and couldn't help laughing. Abigail leaned back in her chair and tried to understand at least the last few minutes of class. When the bell finally rang, everyone rushed out of the room to get to their next class on time. Only Abigail was left behind, unsure who to follow, since everyone seemed to have a different schedule. So, she again walked late through the employee hallways. Well, they weren't completely empty. A hand grabbed her hoodie and pulled it back hard. "What the hell," the redhead cried out in fright, already internally bracing herself for a fight. "I'm gonna beat the shit out of you," threatened the brown-haired girl from earlier, who she didn't even know the name of. Nervously, Abi laughed up, "No need for violence." She wasn't afraid of her and her equally brown-haired friend. She was afraid of herself. Of her powers and even more of what could happen if she didn't control herself. So she tried to get away from them as fast as she could. The first girl pulled her back and started to hit her, which Abigail couldn't just let happen. She pushed them off her and tried to calm herself down. But it was too late. Unintentionally, flames rose from her hands, which spread all over her arms. There was a spark which landed directly in the face of the attacking girl. As quickly as the fire appeared, it was gone again and Abigail sank powerlessly to her knees. It took all her strength to make sure that 'only' one spark had hit the girl. Much worse things had happened before. The hit girl had also fallen to the ground and was holding her nose. Fortunately it didn't look like a burn but more like she had been hit on the nose. Better that way. How could she explain a burn? Both girls looked at Abigail in shock and fear and took a few steps back from her. "Monster!" screamed the girl who hadn't been hit, as she helped her injured friend to her feet. To make this cruel situation even worse, the teacher from the previous lesson joined them in the hallway. Pissed off, she pulled Abigail to her feet and almost screamed in her face, "Come with me to the principal's office right now, Abigail." Walking away, she wiped the blood from her nose and smiled victoriously at the two girls. So soon they, wouldn't bother her again. Even though she would probably get into a lot of trouble now, knowing that they were away from her was definitely worth it. As she walked away, Abigail spotted Danny who had been watching and whispered a soft, "Woah...".

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