Season 5 Episode 11

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"Abigail? Look at me." Very slowly, she turned her gaze back to Tony. He, like everyone else, had tears in his eyes. She herself, however, would not let them fall now. Abigail wanted to leave without tears from this world in which she had to endure so much. "I will tell Natasha how much you loved her," Abigail promised, looking pointedly at Steve who was trying to put on a smile for her as well. "I love you guys."

It was time to go and before she did she wanted to get those words out. Abigail shuddered all over her body and the last bit of her wings disappeared as Abigail Romanoff closed her eyes and vanished from a world that didn't deserve her. Her body left behind slid into Tony's arms and Abigail, during her walk to Natasha and Danny, could see everyone - every single person who had fought with them, get down on their knees for her and every sacrifice they had suffered. Wanda clung to her brother and wept bitterly, Steve and Pepper gave each other support, and Tony still held her lifeless body in her arms. But Abigail knew they would be fine without her.

It would take time for them to come to terms with losing them. But they had to, they had to accept the gift of them both and move on because they couldn't anymore.

The Quinjet flew toward the farm, and Clint looked out the cockpit window as they landed near the house. He saw Lila come out the door, followed closely by Cooper. The ramp was extended and Clint walked down with his luggage in his hands. The kids came running and he dropped the bags and took Lila and Cooper in his arms instead. He had to tell them what had happened. That they too had lost their aunt and cousin but even more he just had to take them in his arms after the depths of the past five years. Then Nathaniel Abel - the boy named after his best friend and her daughter - came running up, pressed himself against her and took Clint's hand. As Laura came closer across the lawn, Clint wanted to nothing more than to touch her cheek. He was home.

Peter was back at school, reunited with Ned his best friend and everyone who had disappeared.

Scott Lang had his family back. Together he sat in the evenings with Hope and in front of the porch playing with his now grown daughter's hair. Together they gazed at cracked fireworks that welcomed back those who had disappeared and celebrated the victory of the Avengers.

In Wakanda, T'Challa, accompanied by Ramoda and his sister Shuri, looked up at the glowing moon in the night sky.

Rest in peace
Abigail Romanoff
December 1, 1995 - October 2023

Rest in peace Abigail RomanoffDecember 1, 1995 - October 2023

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