Season 3 Episode 14

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"Oh, and what about you and Pietro?" teased Wanda back. What Abigail could do, she had long been able to do. "Your brother and I?" she laughed wryly, shaking her head hysterically. He was more of a best friend to her than a lover in any way. Of course, she had claimed the same with Danny, however, she was far from over him and wouldn't be anytime soon. "The way he's looking out for you, I wouldn't be surprised."

"Oh come on let's cut the bullshit. You know very damn well that love and I are not under a good star." Their playful discussions were disrupted by the arrival of Thor and the enemy reinforcements. "Wanda we need to get out of there now," Abigail called out and Wanda nodded in agreement. "Hold on to my waist," she commanded and a few seconds later, she and Abigail flew out onto the battlefield. Just in time, they landed in front of Natasha and some guards from Wakanda to avert the rolling danger. Wanda changed direction with her powers and Abigail tore them apart with her flames from the inside. Proudly, Nat returned her gaze for a few seconds before the battle resumed. "Why were they up there all this time?" Hands blazing and eyes red with fire, Abigail fought her way through the crowd until she saw Wanda lying injured on the ground in the corner of her eye. "He will die alone, as will you," came the threat above her, but Natasha was already standing by. "She's not alone." Along with Okoye, Abigail came from the other side and faced her ready to fight as well. With Wanda still on the ground, Abi had to rely on her hand-to-hand combat skills to avoid accidentally setting her on fire. But anyway, the attack was first against Natasha. The latter held her back well until another vehicle rolled over her and her attacker used the distraction to throw her to the ground. "Не моя мама, сука," Abigail yelled angrily in Russian as she threw Okoye to the ground as well.

Her legs wrapped around her neck and pinned her to the ground. Meanwhile, Natasha had also gotten up and rushed to help with her staffs. One more time Proxima managed to bring Abigail and Nat to the ground, but Wanda appeared at the last second and flung them against a wheel that was arriving again. "Pretty gross," Natasha commented, helping her little one back to her feet.

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